Movement on the street below drew her attention. A one-horse carriage made its way slowly through the winding road. It was considerably dark even with the gas streetlights lit, but Erika had no trouble recognizing Jay Colby as the driver. He must have brought Ryan into town and seen him off on the boat. Jealousy filled her insides and when he suddenly glanced up at her figure standing silhouetted against her brightly lit room, she turned peevishly from the window and thrust the drapes shut.

The following morning was warm and sunny and Erika decided she was tired of staying indoors. Employing the company of two of her closest and dearest friends, she donned her finest dress and hat for a perfect spring day. Taking up her parasol, she headed toward the square. With the appearance of the warmer temperatures, the upkeep of the streets always seemed to be neglected. Lifting her skirts to prevent them from gathering as much slush from the melting snow as possible, she made her way into the park where Rosalee Higgins and Trista Ashworth were waiting.

As she approached, she noticed they huddled close together, their faces animated and Erika knew they were enjoying their favorite pastime. Exchanging gossip. Eager to learn about all the latest scandalous tales, she picked up her gait and hurried over to join them. At her arrival, Trista turned to her excitedly. “Is it true, Erika? Was Jay Colby arrested and thrown into the gaol?”

Startled, it took her a minute before she was able to answer. “Where did you hear that?”

“Everybody’s talking about it,” Rosalee answered. “Tim McGyver just came by now and told us.”

She frowned and glanced around the park, displeased with being associated with the latest bit of town gossip. Little groups and gatherings were loitering around the park and in Erika’s sudden paranoid state, looked as if they were very much intent in the process of spreading this latest news.

“So, is it true?” Trista inquired earnestly.

Erika shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Yes, but it was only——”

“My God!” Rosalee cried, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Tell us exactly what happened.”

Her fingers toyed with the strap of her embroidered handbag. “Um, well, he was very rude, a-and bossy—yes, yes, he was very bossy.”

The girls stood there looking at her with the slightest look of disappointment on their faces.

Searching her memory, she bit her bottom lip and said, “He made me lose my favorite hat. You know, the one grandfather had ordered from the Paris catalogue.”

“Oh, yes,” Trista nodded, smiling vaguely, trying to produce a sympathetic look but failed miserably.

Feeling horribly stupid, she straightened to her full height and told them, “He put my life in severe jeopardy. I was nearly at death’s door when my beloved Ryan miraculously rescued me from the rugged wilderness. If it had been another five minutes, I would have surely perished and not be standing before you today.”

“My God!” Rosalee exclaimed once again and slapped her hand against her breast in utter shock. “You poor thing.”

“Yes, well, I really would prefer not to talk about it.”

“We understand.” Trista reached out and took Erika’s arm, then turned them toward the boardwalks that circled the entire town square. They had only been installed last summer to the relief of many women who had complained the filthy streets caused great damage to the hem of their skirts. “Jay Colby deserved to rot in prison for what he put you through.”

She decided to ignore this last comment, hoping it might insight her friends to drop the subject. When an item in one of the shop windows sidetracked Rosalee, Erika sighed inwardly with relief. Hoping the subject dropped, she joined her girlfriends at the window to admire the delicate lace accessories on the opposite side of the glass. However, soon discovered the subject of Jay Colby’s prison time was not going to be so easily ignored.

She heard some people discussing him as they walked past the three girls browsing the shop window, and then again as they passed the barbershop where two gentlemen were discussing the very same topic. By this point, Erika truly began to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing, and thought heavily on returning home and enjoying the rest of the warm day in the solitude of her grandfather’s garden.

They had just reached the entrance to the market shop frequented by many of the local farmers, when a huge man walked briskly out of the shop and nearly collided with them.

Erika looked up at Jay Colby with shock, not having seen him since they arrived back from their trek to the backwoods. He came to an abrupt halt, his eyes fastening on her and immediately appeared far from pleased to see her. A flicker of annoyance had her raising her chin. After all, it was not she who had him thrown in the gaol.

Rosalee and Trista came to stand next to Erika, almost acting as her protector, which admittedly she was glad. Not usually intimated by Jay Colby’s huge frame, today she felt very small in front of him. Then his eyes shifted and he looked at her companions.

“Morning Miss Higgins. Miss Ashworth.” With a slight tip of his hat to them, he left them standing there staring after him with their jaws drooping low.

“My goodness,” Rosalee declared. “He just snubbed Erika. A public snub, nonetheless!”

“Someone should take a cowhide to that’s man’s backside!” Trista said and had both her friends looking at her in surprise. “Come Erika, let us not allow such a vile man to ruin our day.”

That she did agree with. Her insides began to boil from Jay’s obvious and deliberate snub. Deciding to do it publicly was the biggest mistake he could make. She would make sure he would pay for his gross misjudgment. With her temper not easing in the least, she was happy when the time came for her to part from her companions and return home. She marched up the front steps and gave the heavy mahogany door a huge slam behind her.

As she tore off her gloves, Fiona came hurrying into the foyer. “What on earth is going on?”

“I’ll have Jay Colby’s head if it’s the last thing I do.”

The housekeeper sighed and turned back toward the kitchen. “Good Lord, I thought the house was falling down around me.”

Erika followed her with angry steps. “I have never been so publicly humiliated in my entire life.”