Beside him, Erika stopped struggling immediately and offered his mother a weak smile. “Good evening, Mrs. Colby.”

“You look very lovely tonight, Erika. It is a pity Ryan isn’t here to see.”

“No fear, mother, according to Erika he should waltz through that door any minute now,” Jay couldn’t resist sneering.

Lillith Colby, however, did not notice. Instead, she gave Erika a concerned look. “Did you not hear? Ryan was not on the ship.”

“I was at the port when it arrived.” She nodded to his mother. “But I know Ryan wouldn’t want to miss this event.”

Mrs. Colby smiled. “It is true, he does so love this festival.”

“Good God, mother, you don’t believe he will come riding in on a white horse as well?”

“Jay.” She scolded her son with the single use of his name, and then suddenly brought a warm smile to her face as if a thought just occurred to her. “Why aren’t you two dancing?”

Erika couldn’t stop herself. A swift bark of laughter escaped her lips as she said, “Jay couldn’t possibly find a partner his size.”

A wounded look entered Mrs. Colby’s eyes and Erika immediately felt ashamed. She knew she really ought to apologize, but found herself standing there silently. It hadn’t occurred to her that Jay made no snide retort in return.

“I actually meant with each other,” Mrs. Colby’s soft and gentle voice said.

Erika’s eyes shot wide in disbelief and realized, too late, the disgusted look on her face couldn’t be concealed in time. However, Jay moved quickly and blocked her from his mother’s scrutinizing gaze.

“We were just about to do that.”

Erika had no choice but to allow Jay to drag her to the dance floor. “I have no wish to dance with you, Jay Colby.”

“Then it will be well worth it.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Your grandfather is watching.”

She froze immediately and shot a glance over to where he stood. Sure enough, he wore a stony-faced expression that she knew hid a silent fury behind those dark eyes.

“And so is my mother.”

At these words, she noticed Mrs. Colby was indeed watching. Erika sighed heavily and turned back into step with Jay.

“All right, I get it. You wanted to antagonize my grandfather. Well, you succeeded. Now would you kindly tell me what it was that you said that angered him so greatly?”

“Your grandfather and I differ on many subjects,” he said, swinging her into step. “I don’t believe I could narrow it down to one specific thing.”

“My grandfather is not a petulant man, Jay Colby. You must have said something to upset him.”

“Let’s just say your grandfather does not take ‘no’ very well.”


sp; “What could you possibly have that my grandfather would want?”

He frowned down at her and Erika thought for a split second that she might have actually insulted the man. Then she remembered who he was and laughed off the ridiculous thought.

“Maybe this will give you a hint.” With a pull, he drew her tight into his rough embrace.

“Unhand me, you uncouth man.” Even as she said this, a funny sensation began to tingle along her breasts where they pressed hard against his muscular torso. Where she should have been struggling to free herself, she found herself instead standing quietly in his embrace.

He lowered his head and brought his mouth close to her ear. “I refused to become hired labor on that playhouse of his down on the harbor.”