Erika’s stomach grumbled as the woman placed the meal in front of her, confirming the housekeeper’s words. “Thank you, Fiona.”

The woman had been with the family for so long, she almost felt a part of it. Therefore, Erika wasn’t nonplussed when she stood above her with plump arms crossed over her breasts and watched her closely. “We were terribly worried about you, child.”

“Yes, I know.” Erika blushed slightly, already having felt so horrible about worrying so many people. She certainly had not planned to spend the night out in the wilderness. “And I’m terribly sorry.”

“What in God’s name were you doing up in that remote part of the country?”

“I thought I would be charitable,” she said, squelching the feeling of guilt at her little white lie.

“Charitable?” The woman produced a snort. “What in the world could you contribute?”

Fiona had the ability to be brutally brusque, but it wasn’t meant to be in a harmful manner. Nevertheless, Erika shifted her bottom on the down sheets of her bed. “Plenty, actually. I brought them some of your sweets.”

Giving a short laugh, the woman shook her head and bent to pour Erika some tea. A feeling of disquiet came over her as it was obvious the housekeeper felt her incapable of being charitable. “That was just for starters.”

Fiona only shot her a look and Erika knew she was being humored. It made her all the more determined to prove her wrong. “We bonded and I-I told them I wanted to hear all about their dreams and what their goals were. As well as what type of concerns they may have.”

She knew she caught the woman off guard for she turned and frowned openly at Erika, but didn’t say anything.

Gerald Snowden, however, gave a snort. “What good that would have done you, Erika, my dear. You are not in the place to offer them any assistance. Mind you, know there are two sorts of people in this world. Those that help themselves and those that expect others to help.”

She immediately thought of Angus and Mathilda Layman and Jay’s accusation that her grandfather was foreclosing on their farm. Something uncomfortable shifted beneath her chest. “But isn’t it true, some things are simply a matter of misfortune?”

He shook his head. “Misfortune derives its greatest strength from the weak. Remember that, my dear. Those people are right where they deserve to be.”

A small furrow found a path between her brows, while Fiona busied herself tucking the blanket around Erika. “I think this child has had enough excitement for one day. It’s time she gets some rest.”

“Very well,” he stated and headed for the door. “Tomorrow I will pay a visit to Jonathan Colby and see to it that something is done about that son of his. I guarantee justice will be served.”

As he exited the room, Fiona rolled her eyes and Erika chewed her bottom lip. He had left before she had the chance to ask him whether it was true or not. Though she somehow felt she already knew the answer.

She glanced at Fiona, who busied herself with straightening Erika’s blankets. Seeing the woman’s easy-going attitude took the edge out of her grandfather’s words and settled Erika’s anxiety.

“Was he ranting and raving about Jay Colby again?”

Habit had Erika going to her grandfather’s defense. “Jay Colby is stubborn and mule-headed and makes it very difficult for one to like him.”

“But you set Mr. Snowden right about him this time, eh?”

She looked away as she slid down beneath the covers of her blankets. “Of course.”

Somehow, Fiona knew better as she grumbled something in disbelief, before planting a kiss on Erika’s forehead and blowing out the oil lamp on her bedside table. After she silently slipped out of the room, Erika sighed deeply and stared up into her darkened room.

It was the first time in the past twenty-four hours that she was able to actually relax. She had been home now for quite a few hours, but during all that time, it had been full of tension. Her grandfather was beside himself with worry and when that finally receded, his outrage took its place. It just startled Erika to realize it was directed at Jay Colby.

The following morning, she awoke feeling far more refreshed. Standing in front of the full-length mirror in her room, she examined her naked body before she got dressed. Sure enough, Jay had been right and a huge purple bruise was forming on her hip. The pain had subsided to a much more tolerant level, but when touched she winced at the tenderness. As she slipped on her undergarment, she was glad she had decided to keep it hidden from her grandfather. With his anger already fully ignited, she didn’t think giving him something else to blame on Jay Colby would help diffuse the situation.

After getting dressed, she used the crutches the doctor provided to hobble down the stairs for breakfast. If she hurried, she just might be able to stop him from paying that visit to the Colby farm. She was relieved to see him still sitting at the breakfast table in the dining room.

The room was always rather too dark for Erika’s taste. From the darkly colored walls, to the deep rich shades of the Persian rug covering the floor. Even the furniture was in the darkest shade of walnut she had ever seen. She hated eating her breakfasts there. Instead, she would have preferred to start her day in a more cheerful surrounding.

Fiona was serving coffee as she entered, but stopped and cried out when she spotted Erika hobbling into the room. “My God child, you should have stayed in bed. You could have broken a leg trying to manage those steps with crutches.”

“I’m fine, truly,” she said, smiling to the cook and tagging on that last word for the benefit of her grandfather who studied her with disapproval. “Actually, my feet hardly hurt at all. No real harm done.”

“I should think you mind the doctor’s orders and stay off your feet for the next couple of days. No more wandering about town.” Then to ensure his order was carried out, turned to Fiona and said, “Mind she doesn’t attempt any more of her foolish escapes.”

The woman snorted. “If I only knew the how’s and why’s.”