Overhead, the moon had long disappeared behind a sheet of clouds as Jay had noted. Daylight was practically gone and dark shadows loomed all around her. She tried not to let them bother her, but she couldn’t squelch the fear that a wild animal would suddenly lunge from the blackness closing in.

Sitting far higher than the men, she realized she would be any vulture’s first prey. Sliding down as proper as she could with the little room she had, she heard Jay grunt as she accidentally elbowed him in the back. Erika thought it served him well. Something she had wanted to do for a long time, but was considered far too improper.

When her head touched the cold ground, she realized the elaborate feathers on her hat were proving to be a discomfort. She turned her head several times in different directions in order to find a more comfortable position.

“If you don’t take that blasted hat off, I’ll rip it off your head myself.”

She shot him an angry glance, though his back was to her, and wondered how she could accidentally hit him once again. Reaching up, she removed the pins holding the hat in place. “I’m removing it because it is far too uncomfortable to wear lying down, not because you threatened me, Jay Colby.”

“Whatever the reason, just get those blasted feathers out of my ear.”

Rolling her eyes, she untied the ribbons holding it in place beneath her chin and then gently placed the hat on the ground directly above her head. Just as swiftly, the wind picked it up and tossed it into the darkness.

Erika yelped and sat bolt upright. “My hat!”

“Geez Louise,” Jay muttered and had her coiling in hatred. “Why don’t you just send out formal invitations, Erika? That way the wolves will know exactly where to find us.”

She narrowed her eyes crossly at him, but bit her tongue from responding. If Jay was right, then she best keep her mouth shut in fear of alerting the entire forest with her need to vent her rage toward Jay.

“We can fetch it in the morning,” Ryan said close-by. “When it is light again. We wouldn’t find it tonight anyway, it’s too dark.”

The anger in her slowly dissolved, replaced instead with disappointment. She only hoped Ryan was right and they did find it in the morning. It had always been one of her favorites.

Resting her head back against the snow beneath her, she looked directly up at the sky. Not a star could be seen. A thick sheet of clouds had rolled in and concealed the evening sky. Folding her hands together on top of her belly, she continued to lie there looking up at the blank sky for what felt like eternity. The men next to her had eventually fallen asleep and she listened to their steady breathing. A shiver caught her off guard.

Startled, she shook herself, worried she was beginning to drift off. There was no way she would allow herself to fall asleep. She lifted a hand and gave her cheek a tender slap. It was beginning to go numb from the cold. She shivered again, feeling the wet coldness of the snow slipping in beneath her neckline. Reaching behind, she tugged her collar higher around her neck and tucked her chin deeper into the lapels. Wrapping her arms around her midriff, she tried to ignore the chill creeping into her bones. The temperature had already been quite frigid, but now it had gotten downright arctic cold.

Her teeth started rattling and she fought hard to stop them. Though her mittens provided some protection from the elements, they hardly did enough. Beneath their silk layer, she felt the tips of her fingers begin to freeze. Tucking them under her armpits, she glanced at Ryan.

He was curled up in a tight ball as protection from the cold. Erika thought about waking him, but wondered what purpose that would achieve. They had lost everything in the wagon. She supposed they should have been grateful they at least still had the coats on their backs.

Closing her eyes, she willed sleep to come and take her away from this blasted ice land. Her entire body was shaking now and her sore head felt like it had turned into a solid block of ice. She wanted to cry from the sheer pain of the biting cold, but felt even her lids had dried up frozen. With resolution, Erika knew her fate. Tonight was the night she was going to die.

With a mournful cry, she thought of her grandfather and wished she could give him one last hug. She thought of Ryan and if given the chance she would confess her love for him. Even Jay crossed her mind as she lay at death’s door and, because she was a Christian, she would tell him she would pray for him and his lost soul.

From the bosom of her earthly hell, they raised her lifeless body and took up her corpse and paraded it through the gloomy streets for all to mourn. She came to lay not near the tomb of her ancestors, but beneath the willow tree dug into the mossy bluff overlooking the meadow. There her ghost would wander the earth aimlessly in search of her one true love. For years to come, it would be said her howling and pitiful sobs could be heard along the bluffs—

“What’s wrong now, Erika?”

She opened her eyes and realized there were tears frozen to her eyelashes.

“I’m going to die tonight.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, of course you’re not.”

“I’m so cold,” she said in a painful whisper as a violent shiver rattled her entire body.

No response immediately, then he moved and the next thing she knew she was enclosed in a set of unbelievably warm arms. The joy that swept over her had her eyes closing in utter relief. She had been drifting off and on to sleep and hardly knew whether she was awake or dreaming. Just to be sure, she said, “I must tell you something before I go.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“No, I must.”

Another hesitation, then he sighed and said, “All right.”

She muttered something, but the thick gray fog that swept over her was far too welcoming. Sighing with content, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep. Complete and utter bliss was how she felt. It was spring behind her closed lids and she was lying in a field of buttercups. Next to her Ryan rested on one elbow, the harmonica playing from his lips. She smiled and he smiled in return. There was laughter as well. Beautiful sweet sounding laughter. How warm the sun was on her face, and the gentle breeze from the lake caressed her skin.

She called his name and danced between the gently swaying willows along the riverbank. He came toward her and gathered her into his arms. Joy filled her heart as his mouth slowly descended toward her own. He spoke her name, sounding like music to her ears. Beaming with pure happiness, she fastened her hands around him and drew him close.