“Actually, he’s down in the barn with Jay,” Lillith told her. “They’re making use of the good weather and delivering supplies to some of the remote farms.”

“You must be very proud of Ryan, Mrs. Colby,” Erika said, her eyes beaming with love. “He’s hardly been home twenty-four hours and already is performing such a humanitarian deed.”

Smiling, his mother replied, “Yes, I am very proud of my boys. Speaking of which, here they come now.”

Erika turned and saw Ryan approach from the barn along with a team of horses tied to a wagon. Jay, standing a foot taller and a foot wider, looked far more enormous as he walked next to him.

“Well hello, sweetheart,” Ryan greeted her with his cheerful grin. “What brings you here today?”

Smiling brightly she held out her basket. “I brought you some of your favorite sweets.”

His eyes bulged with delight as he lifted the checkered cloth covering the basket and peered into the wicker hamper. “They certainly do look delicious, but far too much even for me.”

Her smile wavered with her obvious disappointment, before Mrs. Colby spoke up. “Why don’t you send your basket along with the supplies the boys are delivering? I’m certain some of those farmers haven’t tasted anything so sweet in months”

“That’s a fabulous idea,” Ryan agreed, smiling broadly. “As a matter of fact, why don’t you join us?”

Jay, who had been looking bored and distant, suddenly became alert. “Whoa, wait just a minute there.”

“Really?” Choosing to ignore him, Erika beamed instead up at Ryan, delighted he requested her company. “Because I would love to.”

“Of course I mean it.” Ryan told her with genuine delight in his eyes.

“Now, Ryan.” His mother interrupted them. “Perhaps Erika should ensure it is all right with her grandfather first.”

At the mention of her grandfather, her happiness dimmed slightly. She had promised to return promptly for their brunch guests. She hated disappointing her grandfather, but she had so little time as it was to spend with Ryan. Erika had to make a decision. And a fast one, as he watched her expectantly. Her heart gave a little lurch at the look of hope in his eyes and she knew her answer immediately.

“Oh, I’m sure it will be fine with him.” What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. She’d deal with him later upon her return. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too horribly upset with her. “When Ryan runs into town to pick up the supplies, I can leave a message with Mr. Willows in the market for Fiona. She goes there every morning for replenishments.”

“Well, if you believe it’s all right.” Lillith voiced her approval, but Jay swiftly interrupted her.

“I don’t believe it’s all right.”

Erika turned her nose up at him. “Then you can stay behind, Jay Colby.”


nbsp; He rolled his eyes and Ryan burst into laughter. “No such luck, sweetheart. Some of those crates will be far too heavy for your slender arms.”

Taken aback, she shot a look at Ryan to see if he was serious. She had never done any physical labor before in her life. Thankfully, he gave her a huge wink and a bright smile and Erika sighed inwardly.

Her eyes just happened to fall on Jay who she discovered was frowning openly at her. She had an urge to stick her tongue out at him, but years of proper upbringing had her biting her bottom lip to keep her mouth shut instead. She didn’t care what he thought, and more importantly, she didn’t make a practice of seeking his approval.

Sticking her chin far out, she crossed her arms over her breasts and waited for him to produce another complaint, so was surprised when he simply shook his head and turned toward the wagon, leaping onto the seat in one swift motion.

“Here, let me take that from you.” Ryan removed the basket from her hands and placed it in the buckboard, then turned to take her hand and help her up on the seat next to Jay.

Erika was not happy about this, but since the bench was only a two-seater, she had no choice. She would have preferred Ryan seated next to her instead. However, her good upbringing came in handy once again. She would treat Jay Colby like any other man beneath her status. Sitting erect and keeping her attention focused straight ahead, she planned to ignore him totally.

Ryan jumped onto the back of the wagon and found a seat amongst the crates as they pulled out of the farm and headed toward town. They made frequent stopovers along the shops in the square, picking up supplies in the mercantile and produce goods at the fresh open market.

While the brothers loaded the buckboard, Erika asked Mr. Willows to pass on a message to Fiona to let her know she had been invited to stay for brunch at the Colby’s. She prided herself for not having actually lied. Indeed, she spending the dinner hour with the Colbys. Ryan and Jay, that was.

Erika left Ryan at the merchant stand in the indoor market where he had gathered a large audience as he relayed his latest tale from his excursion out on the lakes. Already have had listened with glued ears the night before at the festival dance, she was only too happy to give him the spotlight. He was well loved by the townsfolk’s and his stories continually entertained and enthralled.

As she stepped outside into the sunny but cool day, she slid her gloves over her hands and looked around. The square was busy that morning. Horse drawn wagons and cutters were crisscrossing the octagon streets that circled the square. Men and women were coming and going into many of the quaint shops bearing her family name. No matter how much Erika yearned to embark on great adventurers and explore new lands, she could never deny her love for this place. A town built almost entirely by her own grandfather.

A disapproving frown pulled the corners of her brows toward the bridge of her nose when she noticed Jay Colby standing next to the wagon waiting for them. Raising her chin, she walked toward him prepared to confront him regarding what she had learned about his intentions to inflict a criminal act upon her grandfather’s property. As she approached, he simply glanced at her, barely giving her any notice.