Her eyes grew wide as she leaped off the bed. “Where is he? What has happened?”

Again, the woman needed another breath before she could speak, but at this point Erika could have shaken it out of her so impatient she was becoming. “Fiona?”

“He’s with Dr. Ennis.”

Something horribly cold swept over Erika. She felt her entire body go numb, hardly able to register the woman’s words. Or there meaning.

“He collapsed in his study this morning.”

Chapter 19

The day that Erika buried her grandfather, the sky was dark and gloomy. Thick ugly clouds rolled in and covered the town of Placid in a thick dreary fog. A small drizzle descended from the heavens as she stood over his grave while the Reverend Grey read a passage from his book of prayers.

“Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to Almighty God our brother, Gerald Fitzpatrick Snowden.”

A warm breeze swept across Erika’s numb cheeks. The coldness in her heart was in contrast to the humid temperature, only softened slightly by the light rain. As from a distance, the minister’s voice echoed in the valley of her despair.

“. . . earth to earth; ashes to ashes; dust to dust. . .”

A lone fly landed on the wooden coffin. She watched with hollow eyes as it flexed its wings.

“. . . the Lord bless him and keep him. . .”

She felt the back of her shirt begin to dampen, but hardly noticed. Overhead, an umbrella was being held to shield her from the rain, but she did not care to mention to the person holding it that it provided little protection.

“. . . be gracious onto him and give him peace. Amen.”

The gathering surrounding her grandfather’s grave replied in unison, “Amen.”

Erika remained silent. She felt arms come around her. Knew they were Fiona’s. The sturdy woman dressed fully in black, gave Erika’s shoulders a reassuring pat. However, Erika did not feel it. She did not feel anything.

Someone approached her and offered their condolences. She thought she might have nodded, but wasn’t sure. Her eyes were two blank orbs as they stared into the faces of people who looked upon her with pity. But they remained dry of tears.

“Erika.” Lillith Colby was suddenly in front of her and grasping her hands in a comforting hold. “I’m so sorry. If there’s anything we can do...“

She stared at the woman as she spoke, her words sounded slurred and disoriented. The breeze had picked up one of the ribbons on Mrs. Colby’s bonnet, lifting it and then dropping it awkwardly across her lapel.

Erika stared at it hard. The woman ought to fix it. Grandfather always said a lady should be conscious of her appearance.

She watched the woman’s mouth moving and idly wondered what she was saying, but couldn’t seem to draw her attention away from that misplaced ribbon.

The woman leaned over and placed a kiss on Erika’s cold cheek. Then was gone. Mr. Colby was next, standing directly in front of her and speaking in that strange tongue his wife had earlier. The one Erika couldn’t follow. He patted her hand then left.

A big dark figure suddenly filled her view. A tall man with a broad chest and who stood heads above everyone else. Erika felt a sharpness in her chest. Then an explosion of pain. Then anger.

From somewhere deep inside, she felt a bitter chill turn her blood cold. Raising her chin, she stared up at him with a harshness she never had thought she possessed.

“You did this.”

Jay felt her words hit him like a bullet to his heart. He did his best to control the hurt her look caused. Her pain and loss had already wrenched his heart out of his chest and there was nothing he could do to heal her suffering.

What he wanted was to take her into his arms and hold her. Press her sorrow-ridden face into his chest and absorb as much of the pain as he could.

However, the eyes that bore into his were full of hatred and did not want him. Nor need him.

Ryan stepped forward, placed an arm around her shoulder, and turned her away from Jay. He watched with agony as Erika collapsed against his brother’s side. The man she would always love.

He reminded himself this was for the best. It was what she needed. Especially now more than ever. The sight of her in his brother’s arms, tortured him greatly. The image of Ryan kissing her ruby lips pained him deeply. But the thought of Erika alone in this world was a far greater torment.