Well that was all too bad. My goodness, she thought with disdain, the woman’s children were running about. She consoled her thoughts by convincing herself that she was doing Jay a favor. A man could go to hell for committing adultery with his neighbor’s wife.

No matter that the neighbor was dead and buried, Jay had no business with his widow. It was obvious someone had to mind his morals. And as his future sister-in-law, she gladly took it upon herself.

As Ms. Freeman’s house was not far from the town limits, Jay was pulling up to the back kitchen entrance of her grandfather’s house in no time. Far too soon for Erika.

Thankfully, Gerald Snowden was nowhere about, as always his business kept him locked up in his downtown office. Whether Jay realized this or not was questionable as he did not hesitate in swinging her up into arms once more and headed indoors.

Erika hoped it was because of concern for her rather than an eagerness to return to the young widow.

When they entered the kitchen, Fiona was nowhere to be seen. Erika assumed the housekeeper was in town doing some shopping, but was glad for her absence.

“Where can I put you?”

The question jostled her good spirits and did not bode well with her plan, as he sounded far from concerned and more anxious to return to the beautiful widow.

“I would like to go to my bed.”

A look of alarm briefly flashed across his face, and then quickly he subdued it. “That’s not a good idea.”

“Well I can hardly manage the steps myself,” she said. “And there is no one else here to help.”

She watched in fascination as his entire face looked like as if it were clenching. The vein along his temple flexed and at this close proximity, Erika could actually see them vibrate.

Jay let out a long sigh before turning toward the back staircase. He took the steps easily, considering he was hoisting a woman in his arms. However, she noted that vein in his temple was at a nearly bursting point and showed just the smallest trace of strain.

“If you like I can make you a cup of catnip tea for that headache.”

“No thanks,” he said flatly, then softened his words by adding, “It’s best you stay off your feet. Besides, how did you know I had a headache?”

She reached up and touched the telltale vein. “And your skin is starting to look slightly gray.”

He literally flinched when she allowed her finger to slide from his temple down his cheekbone. “Which room Erika?”

“The door on the left.”

Jay kicked the door open and moved swiftly to her bed where he gently laid her on top of her plush covers.

“I’ll fetch Dr. Ennis,” he said as he straightened.

“That’s not necessary. I’m sure I’ll be up in no time.” Which was the truth.

“It’s best if he have a look at it.”

“Really, Jay, it isn’t necessary to overreact. I’ll be fine. Truly.”

He frowned down at her, obviously debating to concur with her or not. For good measure, she helped him out.

“If it still isn’t feeling any better by the time Fiona returns home, I’ll have her fetch the doctor.”

This appeased him as his face noticeably relaxed. “If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Good.” He turned and started to leave.

Erika bit her lip and tried frantically to think of something to hold him back.

“You’re not going back to Ms. Freeman, are you?” Okay, she knew that wasn’t the best thing to say to deter him, but it slipped past her lips without her sanction.