“It’s actually quite the turnout,” Rosalee said, turning to eye the crowd. “I bet the entire town of Placid is here.”

Except for one particular man. Erika forced the sad thought from her mind. She did not want the day dampened by her grandfather’s displeasure.

“Oh my goodness,” Trista’s disbelieving voice drew Erika’s attention. “I don’t believe it. The rumors are true.”

“What rumors?” She idly wondered what idle gossip her friends were enjoying as of late.

“About Jay Colby and the widow Freeman.”

Immediately, Erika became alert. “What about them?”

“See for yourself.” Her friend gestured toward the street where surreys lined the dirt road. Spotting Ms. Freeman was easy, she was the woman with the five little children all under the age of ten running about her skirts. Walking next to her was Jay.

She watched as he helped the young widow up onto her buckboard, then turn and hoist each child up one at a time. They all had dark hair like their mother, and with his head bent next to them it was an almost identical match. One could easily mistake him as the father. Erika’s heart wrenched painfully.

“They’ve been spotted around town together lately.” Trista said, but she barely made out the words. She stood riveted to the spot, watching with disbelief as Jay climbed up next to the widow and collected the reins.

His words on the deck of his fishing boat came back to play in her head. Some people are just not meant for marriage. Apparently, he wasn’t referring to himself, she thought as she watched him drive the family down the dirt road and toward the young widow’s farm.

Erika was astonished at the unexpected amount of rage she felt inside. Particularly toward Ms. Freeman, whom she had barely exchanged a few words of courtesy with. What could she possibly want with Jay? Determination suddenly filled Erika. Turning to her friends, she excused herself and left the large gathering of people still milling about.

She headed down the road toward the Freeman home and allowed her mind to conjure illicit images of Jay and the widow Freeman. The blood in her veins boiled hotter with every step she took.

How dare Jay act like this in public? In front of the entire town no less. To so openly romp off on her wagon in the obvious direction of her home. Her stomach knotted and her hands automatically fisted, as she would love nothing more dearly than to wrap her hands around his neck.

By the time she reached the small homestead, which was only a short jot outside of town limits, she saw Jay standing in the small yard in front of the widow’s house. The five children ran about shouting and laughing while Ms. Freeman stood before Jay as he removed his overcoat and handed it to her.

Erika let out a small gasp. What on earth did Jay think he was doing? She peered around the trunk of a tree and saw the two talking and exchanging smiles. Her gut clenched and the heat in her veins soared to a dangerous level.

No wonder he had no intention of marrying. He was having illicit affairs with young widows. Beautiful young widows. His interests did not lie with a proper gentleman’s daughter.

What did Erika care anyway? She didn’t care. She refused to care. She had no interest in Jay. It was Ryan she loved. Ryan she would marry.

Ms. Freeman turned her attention unexpectedly to the area Erika hid, and with a start, she dived behind the huge oak tree. She held her breath, hoping she hadn’t been spotted. That was all she needed was to have Jay think she was spying on him.

Very slowly, she peered around the tree and to her dismay found both Ms. Freeman and Jay Colby staring in her direction. Quickly, she pulled her head away and pressed it hard against the bark of the tree behind her. Closing her eyes, she prayed they hadn’t seen her.

If she had any sense she should have fessed up to being there, but as the Freeman home was nowhere close to her grandfather’s house, she couldn’t think up an excuse for her presence.

It sounded silent coming from the small homestead, so she chanced her luck once again and snuck a quick look. She groaned inwardly when she saw Jay headed up the lane toward her. Her mind worked quickly, now having to think of an explanation for her presence. She had a feeling no matter what she said, he wasn’t about to believe. Especially with her hiding behind the tree and obviously spying on them.


With much elaboration, she turned and offered him a bright smile. “Jay. What a surprise. What are you doing here?”

He frowned. “I was about to ask you the same thing. What are you doing behind that tree?”

“Oh, well.” She gave a careless wave of her hand as to brush his question off. “Just taking a little breather.”

“Breather?” His puzzlement increased. “From what?”

“Walking, silly.”

He paused, and then the trace of amusement began to dance behind his eyes. “Where exactly where you headed?”

“Home.” Mistake, even as she said it she knew that was a bad choice.

“Isn’t home in that direction,” he said, pointing toward the opposite end of the road.