His twinkling eyes shifted to her face and only dimmed in the slightest. Shrugging, he raised his drink to his mouth. “Far too much in this town bears the name Snowden.”

Jay Colby had a reputation for being rebellious, but even Erika was shocked to hear him admit outright his corrupt intentions to damage her grandfather’s property.

Anger welled up inside and an overwhelming urge to defend her family overcame her. However, before she could demand he confess his evil doings, his mother quietly stated, “Jay, this is not the place, nor the person, to discuss these matters.”

Erika straightened and gave the woman a fixed look. “Forgive me, Mrs. Colby, however, if this concerns my grandfather, then it very much is a matter I should be aware of.”

“Don’t worry princess.” Jay eyed her with a lazy look from his great height. “Your grandfather’s building is safe from my villainous ways.”

He then turned and left the group. A frown dipped between her brows as she watched him saunter into the gathering of people in the hall. He was far too perplexing to follow. One moment he admits to wanting to destroy the building, the next it was safe.

The only thing she knew for certain with Jay Colby was he was not to be trusted. She was certain a destructive plan was under way and he had everything to do with it. Erika would make certain she would uncover what that plan was and foil any attempts he had to bring harm to her family.

* * *

The following morning brought the return of the sun for the first time in days. Cold gray skies had been the norm recently, and Erika couldn’t help but think that Ryan’s return home had something to do with it. He brought a ray of joy wherever he went. Deciding to take full advantage of the beautiful day, she filled a basket full of Fiona’s best sweets and bakery.

Fiona Rittenburg had been the family housekeeper for years. She was nearly as old as her grandfather and Erika couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t work for him.

While she pinned her most elaborate feather-covered bonnet onto her upswept hair, her grandfather entered the hall foyer. “Going into town, my dear?”

“No, actually, I’m headed over to the Colby farm,” she told him. “I’ve put together a welcome home basket for Ryan.”

He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. She knew if it were up to her grandfather, Erika’s perspective husband would have his feet grounded firmly in Placid. “Do not be long, I have Mr. and Mrs. Kidd coming for brunch.”

Which meant their son, Albert, would also be accompanying them. Not that she had anything against him personally. Though he was rather on the short and lanky size. She could recall even as a boy two years her senior, he had been on the rather fragile side. There was a time or two when Erika could recall him running home in a fit of tears because of something she had said or done.

In truth, she didn’t know why he pretended to be interested in her. She wasn’t so gullible not to realize the only thing that he and others like him were interested in was the Snowden name. Unlike Ryan. His feelings for her were genuine.

But that did not seem to appease her grandfather. He was bent on ensuring she make a good connection. That pursuit only increased ever since she turned twenty this past year. Erika could only hope that over time her grandfather would come to accept her love for Ryan and learn to care for him as much as she did.

Until then, she had to suffer these visits. “Of course, Grandfather.”

He nodded his approval, and then said, “Do give Mr. and Mrs. Colby my best wishes.”

“I will.”

After slipping into her warm overcoat, she gathered the basket and headed outdoors. The sun was indeed bright and felt far warmer than it had in a very long time. She inhaled the crisp air and headed down the circular lane to the main road.

The Colby farm wasn’t all that far out of the way and generally Erika enjoyed the leisurely walk on a warm summer day. However, as she began to make her way across the railroad bridge spanning the Granton River, she pondered her choice of proper foot attire. The icy planks were far more challenging than she predicted, and for this journey across, she would have to forgo her usual stop to admire the view of the port and lake beyond.

When she safely reached the other side, she continued following the tracks until they eventually met up with the main road once again. Leaving the railroad tracks behind, she followed the snow-covered road until she reached the turnoff to the Colby farm.

Deep snow covered the meadow that began the vast stretch of Colby land making it impossible to consider crossing, so she had no alternative but to keep walking until she eventually reached their laneway.

She sighed with relief when she saw the farm buildings come into sight. Though the day was sunny and gorgeous, there was definitely still a bit of a chill in the air. Though, truthfully, Erika hadn’t minded. It was the first break in the cold spell that hovered over the earth lately.

The acute stench of livestock manure from the barns marred the otherwise beautiful spring-like breeze as she approached the farm. She spotted Lillith Colby exit the chicken coop so raised her arm in greeting. The older woman smiled and came toward her. “Good morning, Erika. What brings you out here today?”

“I brought Ryan some welcome home treats.” She proudly held out the basket. “All of his favorites.”

His mother smiled. “How thoughtful of you. However, your cheeks are all rosy. Please tell me you did not walk.”

“Oh, it was wonderful to feel the warm sun on my face again.”

Mrs. Colby nodded and looked up to the sky. “Hopefully this good weather will continue. Not much of a spring festival if it still looks like winter outdoors.”

Erika agreed, and then glanced at the house. “Is Ryan inside?”