Jay gave her a wry grin. “Hell, princess, you ain’t going to go bragging about it all night, now are ya?”

“Hey,” Ryan slapped his much bigger brother on the back while he slipped Erika’s arm into his hand. “Watch that crude tongue of yours in front of Placid’s finest lady.”

As Ryan propelled Erika to the dance floor, she heard Jay mutter under his breath, “Yeah, I’ve been warned once before about that wandering tongue of mine.”

Her head snapped and she would have shot him an angry glare, but caught herself just in time. One thing she had learned in all the years of knowing Jay Colby, he often did things to purposely entice others. As he did with her grandfather. She wouldn’t allow him the satisfaction of drawing her temper for his perverse pleasure.

“How’s my favorite gal been keeping herself while I’ve been away?”

Her head came back around to find Ryan staring down at her. A sliver of loathing tugged at the smile she forced to her lips, having nearly permitted Jay to ruin her reunion with Ryan. He smiled in return and a shutter of delight ran down her back as they reached the dance floor and he drew her into his arms. She sighed with delight and uttered the words, “Missing you terribly, Ryan.”

He gave her a huge grin. “But I wasn’t nearly gone as long. I shall be away for nearly a month when I embark on the Francesca in two night’s time.”

Disappointment wiped the momentary glow from her heart. “Must you go?”

“Ah, sweet Erika, how it warms my heart just knowing how much I’m missed.” He drew her closer and swung her around the dance floor.

His words softened the frown between her brows slightly. “When will I be able to join you?”

Again, a huge grin. “Soon, I hope.”

The same reply he always offered. It was Erika’s dream to join him on his many adventures. However, she assumed her age factored greatly in his response, not to mention her grandfather’s disapproval. In all her twenty years she had never stepped foot outside Placid. It was against his approval that she adventure elsewhere.

After the death of her parents, he forbid her to undertake anything close to resembling danger. Preferring instead to keep her sheltered and safe directly under his nose where he could keep a watchful eye. Erika’s only consolation was that she was now getting older and Ryan would soon ask for her hand in marriage. When he did, she would be free to travel the world with him. With a happy sigh, she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

As they softly glided across the floorboards, Erika was startled to feel a tingling vibration rising up her leg. She frowned and pulled herself away from Ryan.

“Did you feel that?”


“The floorboards?” She looked up into his face, feeling vaguely dumbfounded. “Did you not feel the music rising from the floorboards?”

He chuckled. “Of course not.”

Taken aback, she blinked, and then smiled with uncertainty in return. “Neither did I.”

When the song ended, he took her arm and led her over to his family where his parents greeted him warmly.

“Missed that boat

again, son?” Joseph Colby asked his youngest child.

Ryan made a wry face and only shrugged in response. His mother shook her head at him. “I do wish you could establish some form of a regular routine. One never knows when to expect you.”

“Ah, the life of a sailor.” He smiled and leaned forward to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry, Ma, you can always count on me coming home. How could I not when I have Placid’s two most beautiful women waiting for me.”

Erika beamed and looked lovingly upon him as his mother too blushed and kissed him in return. “You’re very lucky to have Erika.”

He turned bright eyes upon her upturned face. “She’s a wonderful gal.”

“I would claim sea water has muddled your brain, little brother, but for the fact you sail in fresh water.”

She cringed at Jay’s voice and humorless barb, even if a grin accompanied it. Turning slightly, she saw him approach the group along with Garrett, the oldest but shyest of the Colby boys.

As usual, Jay carried a bottle in his hand. Obviously containing some form of spirits. There wasn’t a social gathering where Erika could recall when Jay Colby was not fully inebriated. Ryan gave Garrett the identical greeting he gave his brother earlier and ignored Jay’s comment. Then stepping back he shot him a grin and said, “Surprised to see the playhouse house still standing, Jay. Thought you would have torn it down by now.”

Alarmed, Erika looked up at Ryan, and then shot a glance over at Jay who only smirked for reply. “Did you have intentions of vandalizing my grandfather’s building?”