Chapter 14

She felt an arm come

around her shoulders.

“You okay, princess?”

Lifting her watery eyes, she looked up at Jay. The urge to turn into his arms and burst into tears while he soothed and comforted her, was so overwhelming, she nearly gave in to the need. However, one look down the street as she watched her grandfather drive out of town had Erika pulling away from Jay’s embrace.

Nodding vaguely, she blinked hard to rid of the unwanted tears. “Yes.”

But he didn’t look convinced. “You sure?”

She didn’t trust her voice this time, so simply nodded more vigorously.

He sighed and cursed softly under his breath, but out loud said, “Do you want me to take you home?”

With her eyes still focused on the carriage turning out of the square, she waited until it was completely out of sight before she gathered enough courage to turn to Jay. “No, I came with Fiona.”

There was so much pity in his eyes, she felt her knees go weak and worried horribly that she would give in and break down and cry after all. She dropped her face from his scrutiny and concentrated on the fingertips of her lace gloves. Then, unexpectedly, she felt him put a finger beneath her chin and tilt her face back up. But Erika wasn’t ready to look into his concerned eyes so kept hers downcast. She didn’t think she had the strength to fight off his sympathy.

Again, he sighed and with his other hand, gently brushed aside a lock of hair that swept across her temple, his finger brushing the skin over her forehead. Its tormenting warmth was too much. She pulled from him and turned hastily on her heel. “I’ve got to go. Fiona will be looking for me.”


But she didn’t wait to see what he had to say. Practically running, she headed back down the square toward the market. All the while, she could feel Jay Colby’s eyes watching her go. Along with half the town of Placid.

* * *

A week had gone by since that horrible incident with her grandfather in front of town hall. His level of feeling betrayed was far greater than she would have imagined. Most days he kept himself locked up in his study or down in his offices in town square. The silence he bestowed on her those first few days had stretched all week long. Even to the point where he had his meals brought into the study. She tried not to allow it to bother her, hoping he would eventually come around and forgive her, but his rejection was becoming far too unbearable.

Rehearsing down at the stage she hoped would help eliminate some of the suffering, but found herself only miserable and far more testy than usual.

“Are you all right, Erika?” Carnie inquired when she forgot the same line for the umpteenth time.

“Yes,” she snapped and wished she could have bitten her tongue off instead. They didn’t seem to be making any headway that morning and to make matters worse, the audience had grown so large, the entire street in front of harbor hill was lined with spectators.

Erika had a feeling Jay’s choice of clothing, or lack thereof, had something greatly to do with it. The weather had only gotten warmer and after the elation of his victory, he returned to the hill to complete the project she had initially asked of him. Problem was he chose to do it minus a shirt. Erika rubbed her temples from the hammering he and Garrett were making.

She glanced at her friend donned in a bright purple kimono. “I’m sorry. My head isn’t there, I’ll try harder.”

The woman gave her a sympathetic look. “Is this about your grandfather?”

She shot her a disbelieving look. Was there no privacy in Placid?

“I’m sorry, Erika. But it’s the hottest topic around town right now.”

“What?” With indignation, she snidely said, “They couldn’t find anything juicier? Mrs. Mansfield hasn’t been having Mr. Crawford over to fix her cooktop recently?”

“Well....” Carnie began, and then suddenly seemed more interested in the intricate design of her gown.

Erika frowned heavily. “What?”

“There is a spicy little rumor going about town that you were seen in Jay’s arms the other day in town square.”

Instantly, she shot him a guarded look to ensure he hadn’t overheard. Thankfully, the loud hammering had drowned out Carnie’s words. With annoyance, she couldn’t stop herself from noticing his glistening body as the muscles flexed beneath his chest with every move he made. Frustrated, she dragged her gaze from him and glared at the older woman.

“I was congratulating him!” she hissed quietly, just in case anyone did accidentally overhear their conversation.