She frowned at the suspicious look on her face. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Seems to me, the only person who ought to be rightly buying a man’s clothing is his mama or his wife.”

“For pity’s sake,” she said. “Sometimes you sound just as old-fashioned as my grandfather. Besides, he’s not keeping them.”

“Didn’t like ‘em, did he?”

Her cheeks flushed at Fiona’s acute assumption. “Jay Colby wouldn’t recognize a decent set of knickers just as long as they did the job.”

The older woman tsked at Erika’s choice of words, which she knew herself to be a bit crass coming from her lips. Nevertheless, it still riled her that he refused her aid. All she had wanted was to try to help him become a little more cultured.

“You can’t go converting a wolf into a sheep by cloaking him in a wool coat.”

“I wasn’t trying to change Jay. I was just helping him to look a little more cultured.”

“Like I said,” she clucked while shaking her tightly wrapped head of hair as she sauntered back down the hall. Then throwing over her shoulder, she told Erika, “I’m headed for the market now.”

This caught her attention. “I’ll come with you.” Waiting at the house was driving her crazy. Getting out was just what she needed. Not to mention she could keep a close eye on town hall.

“Suit yourself.”

She snatched one of the many hats from the hallstand and slipped on her gloves before quickly joining Fiona in the back entrance. They walked into town, as it was far too beautiful of a morning for the carriage. Once they reached the square, she parted from the housekeeper who headed toward the market, which had moved outdoors now that the warm weather had arrived. Not surprisingly, she found her feet had led her to town hall. She noticed Jay’s horse still tied to the hitching post outside the building. Nerves kicked in horribly once again.

Chewing on her bottom lip, she tried to relax several times by perching herself on a nearby park bench where she could keep a watchful eye on the coming and goings of the main entrance to town hall. Several times someone would exit the building and Erika would leap to her feet. Then sighed with disappointment when it wasn’t Jay.

She had started to worry that she would have to return home before he ever left council office, when the door opened once more and Jay stepped out. He hadn’t noticed her sitting nearby as he turned toward his horse.


Taken aback, he looked around. Upon seeing Erika perched on the park bench, he broke into a smile that kept growing until it reached his eyes. With a yelp, he suddenly lunged for her, grasping her around the waist and swinging her high. “We did it, princess.”

At first stunned by his action, it took her a moment to register his words. When they finally penetrated, she felt an unexpected wave of elation.

We did it. Those were his words.

“Are you serious, Jay?”

Putting her back down on her feet, he however, did not unlock his arms from around her. With his face glowing, he looked down into her upturned face. “After I presented, they agreed to a vote immediately.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. As town mayor, her grandfather would have had a word in that matter. No doubt, he hoped to bring Jay to a swift and public defeat.

“It was close,” he told her, as if reading her mind. “Twenty-six to twenty-five.”

“My goodness.” Her mind drifted to her grandfather. How disappointed he must be.

The main door to town hall opened once more and several council officers began to emerge. Jay instantly dropped his arms from around Erika, who felt an unexpected sense of loss.

“Congratulations, young man.” One of the officers came over and held his hand out to Jay. “Well done presentation.”

“Thank you.” Jay took his hand, and Erika couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride sweep over herself for him. The look on his face, she wished she could capture forever.

A few more officers offered their congratulations and a handshake, while Erika stood proudly next to him. The entrance door opened again and several more council officers exited. Gerald Snowden being one of them.

When he noticed them standing there he came to an abrupt halt. His eyes blazed with rage and hatred toward Jay Colby. Erika felt a chill overcome her body. But if she had thought that was bad, she had no idea the degree of displeasure he felt until his gaze turned toward her. Instinctively, she recoiled and tried not to allow his obvious displeasure toward her bring her uplifted spirits down.

“Grandfather,” she greeted him with a nod.

He stared hard and long at her, then suddenly turned angrily on his foot and slid into his surrey as it waited by the curb. Erika felt a rush of humiliation as many of the men gave her a frown before they too departed without a greeting. With her cheeks burning and her eyes stinging, she began to feel herself tremble. He had publicly snubbed Erika.