“The construction of the resort?”

“The very one.”

“Then you are a bigger fool than I thought, Jay Colby. You would have been paid handsomely for that job.”

She felt the hair around her ear move as his face came even closer. “Not everyone can be bought, princess.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Close your eyes.”

“What? Absolutely not!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He pressed her even closer against him, forcing her breasts to flatten even more against his rock hard abdomen. Erika instinctively sucked in a breath and turned her cheek to lay it against his broad chest. Her breathing suddenly felt forced as she felt his huge frame touching every inch of her body.

“Can you feel that?”

“E-excuse me?” she stuttered, and hated herself for doing so. Mentally she felt disgusted and wanted to break free from his embrace at once, but physically, found her legs immobile.

“The music.” The hand on her back began to move up and down, sending a startling warmth throughout her. “The vibrations are rising up from the floorboards. You can feel them in your legs if you pay real close attention. Can you feel it, princess?”

She tried to ignore the warm and tingling sensation his large hand was arousing on her back and concentrate instead on the music being played by the five-member band in the corner of the hall. A large lump had formed in her throat and she attempted to swallow it before replying, “D-Don’t be ridiculous, Jay Colby.”

His fingers continued to stroke her back and as if hypnotized her eyes began to flutter until they closed altogether. The titillating sensation she had begun to feel had now started to tingle with alarming clarity. This unusual awareness began to sweep up her legs threatening to weaken them and have her collapsing on the floor. A feeling of euphoria swept over her, leaving her head dizzy with sensation. Slowly, she raised her lids and opened her eyes.


“Jay,” he whispered the correction into her ear.

She blinked, dumbfounded, forgetting momentarily where she was, then stopped dancing altogether to take a step back and look up into his face.

“No, I meant, Ryan is here.”

Chapter 2

Jay’s brows shot sky high before he spun his gaze around to the entrance where Ryan, indeed, stood in the doorway clutching his hat between his hands. Instinctively, Jay’s arms dropped away.

Erika breathed a sigh of relief and used the opportunity to break free of his embrace and move across the room to greet his brother. However, was disconcerted by the tingling sensation left by his arms along her skin even after she put distance between them.

As she neared Ryan, she forced the disturbing thought aside and instead sought out the warmth of Ryan’s smile. She was not disappointed when he turned, noticed her approach and broke into a wide grin. Her chest heaved with adoration.

Holding out her hands to him, she said, “You made it. I was worried when you didn’t disembark from the Francesca.”

He beamed down at her and seized her outstretched hands. “You know I wouldn’t miss this night for anything.”

For some reason, these words appeased Erika. She really wasn’t worried about his absence, it was only because of Jay putting foolish thoughts into her head that made her question her faith in Ryan.

“You haven’t gone and had your first dance already, have you, sweetheart?”

“It was only with Jay.”

Still grinning, he raised his eyes to somewhere above her head and broke out in a full smile, indicating that his brother had followed her off the dance floor. She didn’t bother to turn around. “Not trying to steal my favorite gal, are you, Jay?”

“Wouldn’t think of it.” The brothers slapped hands in greeting and gave each other a rowdy bear hug. “Didn’t think you were going to make it back.”

“Couldn’t miss this party!” Ryan said, eyes beaming. “Placid’s best all year.”

“Did I not tell you, Jay Colby?” Erika eyed the larger of the two men with smugness. “Ryan wouldn’t miss tonight for the world.”