“It does make you vulnerable to the rambling of an imprudent young man who is inapt in such matters in my vast knowledge.”

She had to disagree, but refrained from speaking of such. “I’m not doing this for Jay.”

“Are you sure, young lady?” He eyed her with a set of cold eyes. “You seem awfully fond of that boy.”

Erika’s chin snapped up. Her? Fond of Jay? Yes, lately she had wanted to like Jay, but maybe as one would want to like their footman. Just because a person liked their footman well enough, didn’t mean they were particularly fond of them. But then one never thought whether their footman might like them in return. And for some reason, Erika wanted Jay to like her in return.

A frown accompanied a troubling feeling in her stomach. “You’re mistaken. I’m not fond of Jay Colby. He’s vile, ignorant, and disgustingly rude. He would be the last man on earth I would even consider myself remotely fond of. Yes, he may be helping to build the balcony for my play, but as I already informed you, there were no other available hands.”

“And what about his latest campaign? I assume you know something about it.”

She immediately caught her bottom lip between her teeth, but refrained from responding.

“He is to come before chamber tomorrow to present what he believes will sway council to pass a new bylaw for this high school of yours.”

“Yes, I am aware of it.”

“And am I to suppose you had anything to do with it?”

She noticed Fiona enter the room, take note of the heated conversation, then quickly exit once again. Erika sighed, knowing she could not put this off any longer. “I did.”

“I see.”

Raising her eyes, she looked across the table at him. He studied his dinner with intensity. She waited for what felt like eternity for him to speak or yell, but instead was surprised when he pushed back his chair and got to his feet.

“Then I suppose we have nothing else to discuss.” And with that, he left the room.

Erika slid further back into her chair. She felt wretched. It was no surprise her grandfather would be greatly displeased with her involvement, but she certainly never wished for it. It hurt more than she cared to admit. She wondered if history was full of people who felt as if they betrayed their loved ones while standing up for a cause they believed in.

Fiona came in and whistled. “Good Lord, girl! You’re going to go and have yourself removed from his will if ya don’t watch yourself.”

She looked up at the housekeeper. “Fiona, can you get a message to the Colby farm for me?”

The woman shook her head in disappointment. “Haven’t you already gone and upset your grandfather enough?”

Ignoring her, she asked again, “Can you?”

“Well,” she sighed and took her grandfather’s plate. “Let’s hear it.”

“Jay is expected tomorrow in council office. Have him stop by here first.”

The plump woman’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head. “Are ya crazy, girl? What if Mr. Snowden found out? He’d have my job!”

“He won’t find out. Unless you’re planning on telling him.”

She screwed up her face and shot a look at Erika. “Not likely.”

“Good.” Smiling, she got up from her chair. “Tell him to come ten minutes early.”

Her thick brows narrowed at Erika. “You’re not playing those boys for fools, are ya?”


“Well you ain’t ever been to fond of that boy, Jay—’cept maybe when you were a yougin,” she said. “Now you’re showing up all over town throwing yourself in his arms.”

Her eyes bulged. “I most certainly am not! My only interest in Jay is his ability to sway council to pass this new bylaw.”

“And suddenly you takin’ an interest?” She didn’t look in the least bit convinced. “I say you leave that boy alone. He deserves himself a sweet young gal.”