He smiled in return and reached out to touch her arm. “That a girl.”

Such a silly, childish and idiotic expression. But Erika felt an overwhelming sense of pride and found herself trying to hold back a smile. “As a matter of fact, I think I’ll have a word with Carnie and see if we can begin rehearsals here.”

“Won’t that be a little difficult without Ryan?”

She shook her head. “No. I made sure his speaking parts were kept to a minimum. Anyone could quickly learn them.”

“Then.” He grinned and bent to retrieve the papers. “It sounds like you have a lot of lines to memorize if you’re doing the majority of the speaking.”

“No worries,” she said. “I have a very good memory.”

“That’s right.” He nodded. “I forgot about your uncanny ability to quote everything I say.”

She wasn’t insulted in the least by his words, mostly on account of the friendly and warm grin he shot her. As he walked toward the edge of the stage, she found herself following him. “So, what is your next step?”

He turned and noticed her on his heel, but caught her intent on the papers in his hands. “I’ll have to somehow get an appointment into council office. Think you can help me out there?”

The addition of a smirk along with this last statement eased any worries that he was serious. Which was good. Erika held as much clout with her grandfather as Fiona did. “You’ll do just fine, Jay.”

He shot her a quick glance, obviously surprised by the confidence in her voice. Admittedly, it caught Erika off guard, but didn’t sway her faith in Jay in the least. If ever there were a man she would elect to fight her battle, it most definitely would be Jay Colby.

“Glad you think so, princess.” There was a teasing light in his eyes once again and Erika looked away uncomfortably. So what if Jay could care less if he had her on his side or not. The fact was, he did.

Erika took a quick survey of the stage’s perimeters and noted the absence of steps. She was far too high up to safely step down and the ridiculous wire hoops beneath her skirts prevented her from making a graceful climb off the platform as well.

Just as she was contemplating the risk involved in jumping, Jay proceeded to do just that, and then turned to stretch his arms out to Erika. She hesitated and shot a glance to their audience. She thought she heard unmistakable sighs from the ladies and felt her insides curl with unexpected anger.

Grabbing hold of his shoulders as he cupped her waist in his large hands, he swung her safely to the ground. Because he was so tall, when her feet touched the ground and he went to straighten himself, her hands naturally slid down his arms. She was amazed at the size of brawn beneath her fingers and found herself lingering far longer than necessary. Long enough to have him arch one brow down at her questioningly.

Erika blushed, but did not withdraw her hands. Instead, she gave his arms an assuring pat and declared, “My, such muscles you have, Mr. Colby.”

He grinned unexpectedly and replied, “The better to hug you with, Miss Snowden.”

She blushed to the core and instinctively took a retreating step away from him. “E-excuse me?”

“The big bad wolf,” he explained. “Said to little red riding hood.”

“Oh.” Then screwing her forehead up into a tight frown. “Don’t talk so foolish, Jay Colby. I’m hardly in fear of you eating me.”

Shrugging, he looked down at her with an unmistakable twinkle to his eye. “Doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.”

Erika colored unduly and had to clamp her mouth shut in order to keep back the gasp that would have escaped. Turning heatedly on her heel, she prepared to stomp past him when he seized her arm in his hand.

“Not so fast, princess.”

She spun on him. “Do not touch me!”

His brows shot up and she could have sworn a smile danced faintly across his lips. “Thought you might want to go that way, seeing the horse dung hasn’t upped and moved itself for her royal highness.”

Spinning her head around, she took one look at it and sighed heavily before picking up her skirts and slipping around the mess. As she marched furiously toward home, all sorts of unpleasant thoughts were racing through her head in regards to Jay Colby. Which incensed her greatly in itself. She had so wanted to like him, reignite the friendship they once had as children, but he made it impossible.

Her feet slowed as she neared her house while a small morsel of thought teased her horribly. There was no need for her to worry about trying to like him. Fact was, she had unknowingly already begun to like the big brusque and crass man.

* * *

Erika’s worst fear had materialized that very evening at the dinner table. She knew it the moment she entered the dining room and greeted her grandfather with a cheery hello. He, on the other hand, barely acknowledged her. Her spirits plummeted instantly as she took her seat opposite him. Fiona came in carrying their meals. When she stood next to Erika, she rolled her eyes and gestured toward her grandfather before placing her plate before her and slipping back out of the room.

When she had gone, Gerald Snowden brought his gaze up and stared hard into his granddaughter’s face. “I understand you were at harbor hill today.”