“Thank you, but I’ll just have a cup of tea.”

She followed Mrs. Colby through the front corridor and into the dining room where all the Colby men were gathered for breakfast. Instinctively, Erika’s eyes were drawn to the largest of the men. Jay looked up and she caught a surprised glitter in his eye before he swiftly repressed it.

“Sweetheart, what a lovely surprise.” Ryan’s voice drew her attention away from Jay.

An easy smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Good morning. I hope I’m not disturbing your breakfast.”

“Nonsense,” Jonathan Colby said and gestured toward a chair. “Please, sit and join us.”

Ryan grinned and pulled out the closest chair for Erika. She gathered her skirts and sat down, shooting a look at Jay once again. His attention, however, had returned to his meal. Lillith Colby placed a teacup in front of her and while she poured tea into it, asked, “Are you sure I can’t get you something to eat?”

“No, thank you. I had a bite before I left the house.”

The woman placed the teapot back down before finding her seat at the table. An awkward silence fell over the room until Mrs. Colby cleared her throat and said, “What was it you wanted to speak to Jay about?”

His head snapped up, obviously taken aback at his mother’s mention of him, a small frown creasing his forehead. Erika shifted in her seat and sat slightly taller as she looked around the table. “Actually, not just Jay. All of you, as a matter-of-fact. I have decided to put on a play to raise money for a charity.”

“Oh, how nice.” Lillith Colby placed her fork down and smiled across at Erika. “For what cause?”

She swallowed a nervous lump in her throat and found it suddenly difficult to look at Jay. “I want to build a high school.”

Silence fell once again on the room and when it stretched far too long, she snuck a quick peak at Jay’s face. He didn’t look in the bit pleased as she had hoped. Instead, he sat openly frowning at her.

“Well, um, that’s wonderful Erika. I didn’t realize you were concerned about the welfare of our children’s education.” Mrs. Colby said this as she shot a glance at Jay.

“It’s been brought to my attention that Placid is in need of a proper high school.”

“Yes, I agree,” she said. “My boys were lucky growing up and having a mother who was once a teacher. After there was no longer room in the school, I was able to continue with their education. But I’ve always felt it was a shame that the other children in these parts were not as fortunate.”

Erika knew that Lillith Colby had once been an American schoolteacher long before she moved from her home country with her family when the Canada Company had originally bought land east of Lake Huron. She had met Jay’s father and married him nearly upon her arrival. Married life prevented her from taking up the post again.

“Jay must have been talking your ear off,” Jonathan Colby said, grinning at his son. “It’s a topic he feels very passionate about.”

Looking again at Jay who had torn his attention from her once again, she thought about his father’s words. It had been more like trying to draw water from a rock than talking her ear off.

“Well, I think that’s wonderful news, sweetheart.” Ryan placed his hand on the back of her chair and leaned toward her.

“I’m glad you feel that way, because I was hoping you would be able to help.”

His brows shot high. “Of course, just say the word.”

“I’ve written a part for you in my play.”

“That’s super nice of you, sweetheart, but I won’t have much time to study any lines, what with me being away for the next couple of months,” he reminded her.

“I realize that, so your part is mostly nonspeaking. All you have to do is stand there. There are a few two or three word sentences, but nothing you couldn’t remember.”

“Well, then, that sounds very doable.” He smiled and she felt her toes curl so smiled in return. “What’s the play about?”

“A love story. Something similar to Romeo and Juliet.”

“Good Lord,” Jay groaned, breaking his silence at last. “Let me guess. You’re Juliet and he’s Romeo.”


Erika felt her insides clench. Why did he always have to be so rude? “No. Actually, there names are Clarisse and Dominique.”

Rolling his eyes, Jay pushed back his chair and got up to leave. “Thanks for breakfast, Mom, but I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.”