Swinging it open, she discovered her grandfather in conference with two gentlemen. Gerald Snowden looked up with annoyance at the unexpected intrusion. “Pardon me. I did not realize you were in a meeting.”

Clearly displeased with her, Gerald Snowden however, got to his feet and said to the two men, “Gentlemen, you are both acquainted with my granddaughter.”

They bowed their heads in greeting and she in turn nodded. Then shifting her attention to her grandfather said, “I’m sorry to disturb you, but was wondering if I could have a word with you?”

“Now is most certainly not a good time, Erika my dear.” Though this last endearment sounded far from loving.

Her first instinct was to nod and back out of the room, however found herself remaining where she stood. “It’s an emergency, Grandfather.”

He sighed heavily and she could tell he was not stirred by her declaration, but turned to the group and said, “If you’ll excuse us for a moment, gentlemen.”

Taking Erika’s elbow in his hand, he led her into an adjoining room she knew to be his private quarters. “Now, what is it that you need that cannot wait until tonight?”

“There’s been a horrible mistake down at the construction site that you must address immediately.”

“Mistake?” A frown wrinkled his brow. “Come child, what nonsense are you referring to?”

“They’ve hired on children.”


“Yes, young boys.”

His frown eased and he pulled himself into a more erect stance, his hands behind his back. “Where have you heard this?”

“I saw it for myself.”

His white brows came together once more. “You were at the work site? Did I not forbid you to go anywhere near there? It is highly dangerous and you could have been seriously hurt.”

She squirmed slightly, but refused to allow it to deter her from her mission. “I happened upon it while strolling the beach. Which, in turn, is a good thing. They’ve mistakenly been informed that you’ve given your approval to the hiring of these young boys.”

“They are not mistaken.”

She froze. So simple and so cold, Erika literally felt a shiver run down her spine. “But Grandfather, they’re only children.”

“It is never too early for those boys to begin working.”

“Those boys?” She frowned. “What type is that?”

“The type that come from an impoverished family,” he told her. “It is sad truth but not all God’s children are born equally, Erika.”

“I’m sorry?”

He sighed and turned her toward the exit saying, “It is common knowledge that society is separated by class. Children born into a lower class family must adhere to a certain way of life. The sooner boys born into these families go out to work and help support the family the better.”

“How is that in the boy’s best interest, though?”

“Erika, we cannot be giving out hand-outs to all those wanting charity. It is for their own benefit they learn in order to survive, they must supplement their daily needs by actively working.”

“For the rich man?”

She must have sounded somewhat caddy for he shot her a questioning look. “Well, yes of course. It is not our duty to toil and sweat. Our responsibility lies in governing the great many decisions that are required at a higher level. Someone has to ensure the proper functioning of all subordinates. Take the Queen of England. A very dignified woman. One wouldn’t see a farmer’s daughter sitting on the throne.”

“No, of course not,” she conceded. “But, surely Grandfather, twelve year old boys are far too young.”

“My dear, I concern my day with matters far beyond your comprehension,” he told her. “Every day that project falls behind costs me money.”

“There must be others.”