As Erika stood there watching his boat maneuver out of port, she felt her insides burst with sunshine. Everything would be all right. Turning happily on her foot, she went to head back up the bluff road, but stopped herself short. Good Lord, she thought with alarm, and then turned back abruptly toward the port. She nearly forgot about Ryan.

Chapter 9

Jay tugged on his pants and buttoned the zipper shut, but yearned to crawl back into bed. Today would be another one of those days. His head pounded unmercifully and felt as if it would explode at any moment. He knew something was bothering him, he just didn’t know why.

Ah, blasted. Who was he trying to fool? He knew exactly what was bothering him. In one word, Erika Snowden. Why didn’t she just continue to ignore him? Would that not leave his life a lot simpler? He could continue disliking her as freely as he wished.

But yesterday when he found her sitting on his docking post, he knew as long as she continued her infatuation with Ryan, he was doomed to keep her in his life.

Then she turned around.

It was obvious she had been crying. It was the first time he had ever seen any real honest to goodness emotion in that girl. Well, at least since they were children. In those days, she ran to him in tears all the time. It tore at his heart then, as it did now. And, just as then, he had the urge to want to heal her pain.

It made Jay uncomfortable to realize it was on account of him that caused it. Any other time he would have laughed outright if anyone had remotely suggested such a ridiculous thought. However, it was obvious she perked up noticeably after they exchanged their usual banter.

Though why he should care if she was hurting because of him, baffled him. She rightly deserved it. He had been furious when her grandfather had him arrested and thrown in the gaol. But his fury had been more directed at Erika than her grandfather. Gerald Snowden he expected such behavior. Erika, however, did nothing but stroll leisurely down the streets in her frilly little dresses and twirling that ridiculous parasol.

And after all he had done for her. She was as spoiled rotten as they came. He should have left her back there in the wilderness, that’s what he should have done. Refuse to take her in his arms and stop her shivers. Never mind her petite little womanly body felt remarkably warm. He would have gladly given it up if he had any inkling to her behavior upon their return.

Then to top it all, she acted like the one who had been poorly mistreated. Standing on his pier with those big blue eyes looking as innocent as all can be. Hell, he grumbled to himself, he should have just let her cry. Force her to face some cold hard facts. Maybe point out some more for good measure. He would have happily informed her how much she and her arrogant grandfather were a set of pompous jacka—

“Jay,” Lillith Colby called up the stairs. “Your breakfast is getting cold. What is taking you so long?”

He finished tucking his shirt into his cotton pants, and then pulled his suspenders up over his shoulders. “I’ll be right there.”

He gave his throbbing temples another vicious rub before he turned toward the staircase. It was time to put Erika Snowden out of his mind. If he wanted, keeping her out of his life wouldn’t be so difficult either. He would just ensure he was never around whenever she was near. And if she just happened to stray too close, maybe he would follow through with his earlier threat and tell her exactly what he thought of her.

* * *

“Where is it, exactly, you are going, Erika my dear?” Her grandfather eyed her attire with disapproval as she tied her bonnet securely beneath her chin.

Admittedly, she realized her choice in clothing was far too practical than her customary attire, but Erika had learned her lesson, and had no intention of finding herself in the same position as she did the last time she visited the Colby farm.

“Trista Ashworth has invited me for dinner,” she lied, pushing the guilty feeling away and adjusting her bonnet more comfortably over the elaborate bun Fiona had created on the crown of her head. No doubt, Gerald Snowden would refuse to allow Erika anywhere near the Colby’s. Therefore, she had little choice but to deceive him.

He scrutinized her attire. “Should you not put something more appropriate on? You look no better than Fiona.”

Erika grinned, not letting his comment insult and lifted her petticoats to reveal a pair of sensible flat-heeled leather working boots. “I’m even being practical. The weather is so nice I’m going to walk over and decided to treat my feet to comfort.”

Gerald Snowden made a face, obviously not pleased to see his granddaughter wearing footwear usually associated with the lower class. “It would be more practical for you to have the carriage take you over.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she said, her eyes beaming. “The winter has been horribly long and I am going to enjoy the warm temperatures.”

Nodding, he placed his hands behind his back. “I suppose I must admit you look far more flushed today. However, know I am aware of its origin. I’m certain young Ryan Colby’s return has something to do with it. However, as I have voiced my rules regarding that young man, I am rest assured you will obey them.”

Erika turned from him, feeling horribly wretched about her lie, but knew that never again would she allow anything to come between her and Ryan. “I must leave, as I am already running late.”

“Very well. Do give Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth my best.” He bid her farewell and stood in the entrance to watch her walk down the street toward the Ashworth home.

As Erika made the extra-long trek to the Colby farm by first walking down the road that looped around the harbor hill, she was fully conscious of her grandfather’s eyes following her, and thanked Fiona silently for her suggestion to purchase a proper pair of boots if she were going to make

a habit of hiking through the back roads. This said after Ryan returned home on the Francesca.

Already running late, she picked up her pace as she would have to backtrack at the harbor as a quick detour to the Colby’s farm.

She walked briskly with a definite bounce in her step. Ever since this morning when he disembarked from the schooner and broke out into his full smile, did Erika’s spirit finally begin to rise. Since then she had been so full of joy and happiness that when her grandfather sat her down and laid out his new rules regarding Ryan Colby, she simply sat there glowing.

When she had related to Ryan the events of the past horrible month, he eased her conscience completely by telling her she was grossly mistaken and his family did not hold her accountable for Jay’s imprisonment, and would welcome her as they always did. Then to prove his point, he invited her to dinner that evening. At first hesitant, she then recalled Jay’s own attitude toward her at the wharf that morning, and so eagerly agreed.