Granted, it was only on the arm, but it did provide some form of relief so she hit him again. Jay only laughed and laughed again as she continued to strike him.

“Shut up, Jay Colby,” she cried. “You’re a horrible man and a horrible liar.”

“’Fraid not, princess.” He leaped off the boulder and out of reach of her fists. “But no worries, your declaration of love will remain a secret.”

“I don’t love you!” Her eyes burned red as she glared at him. “I hate you!”

He looked at her and the teasing light in his eyes began to soften. There was something in their depth, which she had never seen the likes of before. Something gentle and warm and reminding her of that young boy he once was. Surprisingly, it had a calming effect.

Then Jay turned away and the look was gone. So startled by its unexpected appearance, it took a moment for her to snap herself back to reality.

“Look, Erika, you know I’m just teasing you. I wasn’t even going to mention it, but you have this ability to bring out the worst in me.” He smirked and she was stunned by this revelation. More so since she thought the same about him. “And not to worry, I won’t mention it to Ryan. So you can still tell him yourself.”

Inwardly, she sighed with relief. With this last comment, Erika knew Jay was under no illusion that her declaration was meant for him.

“Speaking of which,” he said, his eyes strained to the horizon where Ryan had disappeared. “Here comes your hero now. And bringing the cavalry.”

Chapter 7

Erika sat perched upon her brass bed with her legs stretched out beneath a layer of warm quilts and her sore feet wrapped in gauges. Gerald Snowden paced back and forth in front of her bedroom fireplace as he had been doing since she arrived home. Though his eyes were burning with rage, he had refrained from speaking while the doctor mended her injured feet. However, now that the physician had taken his leave, he was finding no difficulty voicing his displeasure.

“I have spent the past thirteen years of your life, ensuring you remain safe and out of harm’s way.” He placed his hands behind his back as he attempted to burn off his temper. “I made a promise to your mother’s memory I would raise you and assure you had whatever you wanted.”

“I’m sorry, Grandfather.” She attempted for the umpteenth time.

“I made it my duty to ensure you received a proper upbringing.” He spoke without looking at her. “Having already lost my daughter to an ignorant young man who had no regard to the value of her life, I would be damned before I let history repeat itself.”

His voice had risen with this final statement causing a frown to form between Erika’s brows. Not because of the unusual use of foul language coming from her grandfather, but because this was the first time she had ever heard him speak ill of her father. She was young when that horrible accident took her parent’s life, but she did know that was all it was. A horrible accident.

“I will see Jay Colby spend the rest of his life in the gaol for this.” Gerald Snowden snarled as he stopped to place a hand over the mantle and stare down into the flames.

“Jay?” Erika blinked, startled at the unexpected mention of his name.

“That boy has been a thorn in my side for years now and this final act of his, I assure you, will never have him seeing the light of day again.”

“What act?”

“He cannot go around towing you about the countryside without considering the risk he put you under.”

“Jay did not risk my life,” she told him. If he were to blame anyone, she supposed it should have been herself. It had been her own reckless decision to follow Ryan that day.

“Jonathan Colby should be ashamed of that son of his,” he growled, obviously choosing to ignore her words. “Never have I met such a contemptible young man. His obvious disregard for moral principles is disgraceful and has finally caused some serious harm.”

“Not so serious.” She fidgeted in her position. “And actually, he was gracious enough to—”

“His obvious lack of common sense is simply disgraceful. He is a selfish young rebel who lacks any regard whatsoever for others.”

“Well, actually, he was quite generous to the farmers—”

“Any man who ref

uses to conform to proper social behavior is doomed to live the rest of his life in shame.” Pivoting on his foot, he turned to bore down on her with his intent gaze. “Rest assure, my dear, anyone associated with that boy will befall the same fate.”

A painful pounding started in her head. Not to mention the aches in her feet weren’t feeling much better. Erika rubbed her temples and wished her grandfather would simply stop talking. Thankfully, there was a loud tap at the door and Fiona stuck her head inside the room.

“I’ve brought the child something to eat.” The housekeeper came into the room bearing a tray of delicious smelling food. “She must be famished after her ordeal.”

“Yes, yes.” He motioned impatiently to her with his hand. “Do come in.”