“You’re wrong,” she told him. “My grandfather’s businesses are constantly growing. They will bring in more tourists by the boatloads.”

He looked at her sadly. “What happens after the tourists leave? What will be left of the town then?”

“You’re sounding foolish, Jay Colby. It will remain as it always has.”

“No, Erika, it won’t. It needs industrial and commercial growth. Services established to attract new settlers. Otherwise we may as well watch our community stagnate.”

She didn’t like the fact that he sounded so sure of himself, and admittedly was far too convincing. Perhaps Jay Colby was a far better speaker than she ever imagined.

“This is all a matter of your own opinion. What proof do you have? I hate to remind you, but you are a farmer, a fisherman at best. What could you possibly know about such matters?”

A look of fury lit his eyes. “Tell me, princess, what exactly qualifies a businessman to know any better?”

This time she did laugh. “I’m certain if he has the ability

to run several profitable organizations, he most certainly is fully qualified to run a town.”

“Hence, we return to the root of the problem.” He shook his head. “It truly must be a Snowden trait. You cannot compare a town to a business transaction. It doesn’t work that way.”

“It is obvious you have no clear understanding of such things, so I refrain from entertaining in this conversation with you any longer.” She turned from him in an obvious snub. “And I ask you politely to abstain from calling me princess.”

“Such a pity your grandfather couldn’t remove those gilded windows up there in your ivory tower long enough for you to get a good and clear look at your surroundings.”

“My grandfather is a far better man than you’ll ever achieve to be, Jay Colby.” She spun back around to face him heatedly. “He was right about you. You are stubborn and mule-headed and deserve whatever fate befalls you.”

He actually smirked. “That hopeless am I, princess?”

Eyes blazing, she snarled, “I told you not to call me that you—you—big fat—ox!”

He let loose a deep bellow. “Such unladylike words and a far cry from last night—”

He broke off suddenly, the playful smile on his face vanishing at once. Erika frowned and looked at him with suspicion. “What were you going to say? Nothing happened last night, Jay Colby, and if you so much as try to imply—”

“Don’t be a damn fool!” he barked, literally causing her to flinch. “You may think me uncouth, and admittedly I agree I’m not the most refined man, but even that would be beneath me.”

She shifted slightly away from him on the boulder. Truthfully, she hadn’t really believed him capable of such a deplorable act. Even for Jay Colby. “Then you shouldn’t have implied my behavior last night differed any differently toward you.”

He chuckled sarcastically, but otherwise did not reply, which only irritated her more. “Rest assured, Jay Colby, there is not one single thing about you that would cause me to look at you in a more favorable manner.”

This time he did look at her with a mischievous glint in his eye. “That wasn’t exactly what you were declaring last night.”

“Oh for pity’s sake, what is it you believe I said or did last night that would cause you to think I’ve changed my opinion of you?”

“No need to worry about that,” he said. “I’m not foolish enough to think you were sincere.”

At that, she frowned hard. Her mind racing as she tried to recall what she had said. For the life of her, nothing came to mind. Seeing the confusion on her face, his smile returned as he openly laughed at her, saying, “You claimed you were dying and had something to tell me before you parted from this earth.”

A vague recollection of promises made to herself if she was fortunate enough to make it through the night, came to mind. One was to give her grandfather a departing hug, while another was to confess her true feelings to Ryan. Then she remembered a promise made to pray for Jay’s lost soul.

Erika sighed and made a face before giving her head a tiny shake. “That’s hardly anything for me to be ashamed of, Jay. You wouldn’t be the first person I’ve told the same.”

A burst of laughter from Jay startled Erika and caused her to think he was losing his mind. Particularly after he said, “You declare your undying love to many, do you?”

At first she simply looked at him, allowing the words to sink in, then she tried to re-scramble them for she most certainly must have misunderstood him. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Last night before you drifted off to sleep you told me you loved me and always would.” His eyes were literally sparkling with mischief. “Forever.”

Erika couldn’t stop herself if she had wanted. She hit him.