She shook her head not understanding any of this, but did know they were wasting a horrible amount of time. “I must insist that we continue. We are losing valuable daylight.”
“We’re not going anywhere tonight,” Jay finally spoke and shocking her utterly.
“Pardon?” She blinked.
“I said we aren’t going anywhere. We’re going to have to spend the night.”
“I most certainly am not. If you care to stay here and build snow forts, Jay Colby, that is entirely your decision. However, Ryan and I are getting back on that trail and heading home.”
“If you go back out there tonight, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t make it till the morning.” He sounded far too serious, causing her to pause as a chill ran down her spine. “It’s going to be dark soon and if you haven’t noticed, there isn’t a moon out tonight. The trail won’t be visible and we more than likely will stray far off course. Either that or we will be easy prey for the wildlife that comes out at night to hunt.”
She forced the growing lump in her throat down. “We’ll be sitting prey if we stay.”
He nodded. “Possibly. But we’re more noticeable if we’re moving.”
Erika could hardly believe any of this. “We’ll freeze to death out here!”
Again, he nodded, “But luckily we have each other’s body warmth. We should be all right.”
Her eyes darted to the small makeshift shelter. It was hardly wide enough for one person, let alone all three of them. Erika hated this scenario more and more. Turning with impatience, she looked back at Ryan for assistance. Surely, he would object to such an improper situation.
He didn’t even raise his chin. Her spirits plummeted and she felt the full impact of the situation.
“I won’t lie there.” The last of her determination demand she be given respect.
“You have no choice,” Jay replied, kicking the last of the snow aside. “That, or freeze to death. I won’t have your death on my conscience.”
“What conscience?” she snapped back. “Do you have any clue how improper this is?”
“Sweetheart.” Ryan stepped closer. “Unfortunately, Jay is right. If the darkness doesn’t get us, the wolves will. We have to stay put for the night, until daybreak when we can get back on the trail.”
“Ryan,” she pleaded, hardly believing he was siding with Jay.
“Don’t worry about decorum. You know neither one of us will touch you,” he said. “And no one has to know about this. I promise.”
Erika hadn’t even considered either of the brothers touching her in any shape or form that might be consid
ered improper. Not even Jay. Without a doubt, she knew both her virtue and her reputation were safe with him. Looking over at the area where they were to spend the night, she sighed heavily before limping sullenly over the snowdrifts Jay made. “I might have to spend the next several hours here, but I refuse to sleep.”
“Suit yourself,” Jay muttered and went about the business of getting comfortable.
Erika felt her fury reignited. “Someone has to ensure we aren’t eaten in the middle of the night.”
“Just don’t expect someone to carry you home if you’re half asleep on your feet.”
“If that someone you are referring to is you, Jay Colby,” she told him as she sat next to him on the cold ground. “Rest assured I’d rather freeze to death in this wilderness, then ask for your help.”
Jay mumbled something and flipped onto his side, putting his back to Erika. Ryan came and sat down next to her, sandwiching her between the two big brothers. “I think it might be a good idea if you get some sleep, sweetheart. Jay’s right, you’ll need all your strength and energy to walk tomorrow.”
Irritated, she scooted her coat lower down her bottom so she wasn’t sitting directly on the snow and wondered why Ryan had to be so agreeable with Jay. She didn’t like the fact that Jay Colby made all the decisions. In her opinion, they weren’t very sensible ones. She wouldn’t be surprised in the least if he did get them all eaten tonight. Even if she had wanted to sleep, there was no way she would be able to knowing wolves lurked hungrily in the forest.
Pulling her knees up to her chest, her skirt got tangled in her legs. She reached down and straightened them before wrapping her arms around her knees and pressing them close to her body. On the opposite side of her, Ryan spread out on the ground making himself comfortable. Like Jay, he too turned his back to her. However, whereas Ryan performed the act out of courtesy, Jay only wished to ignore her. For some reason this only irked her more.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
She shot a glance at Ryan and thought that was hardly possible and with a start discovered she was more peeved at him and his upbeat attitude than she was happy about.
Shivering, she drew the lapels of her coat closer. The wind was definitely picking up. Even the protection of the trees couldn’t prevent the cold chill from seeking her out. The evening air was crisp and carried the smell of pine and spruce trees.