She discovered that Daniel’s taste in deep fried food was as addictive as her own. They had supper in a kid’s amusement center and romped around in the jungle gym with a group of six-year-olds. The peeling giggles of children as they used Daniel as a climbing apparatus blended with his own natural laughter and had Sonya sitting back in wonder. She was discovering more about Daniel in one day than she had in the year he lived across the hall from her.
When the sun began to set, they headed back in reluctance toward the bungalow. Silently, they both hated to see the day come to an end. Moreover, Sonya wasn’t ready to join their weekend group and share Daniel once more. It happened sooner than she wanted. The other two couple were lounging on the padded iron patio furniture along Tristan’s porch as they approached.
“You’re just in time,” Maura said as she gestured toward two empty chairs. “We’re watching the sunset.”
Sonya turned to look out at the lake and felt a sense of sadness. It really had been a beautiful day. Just not weather wise. She glanced at Daniel and sighed with sorrow. It was a shame it all had to come to an end.
Daniel turned and looked out toward the water. The sky was a mix of purple, orange and blue with the glowing ball of the sinking sun as it made its leisure way beneath the lake’s surface. He inhaled the fresh crisp air of the evening and closed his eyes. The day had been wonderful and he didn’t want it to end. He and Sonya had gotten along splendidly. When he made that pack with her at lunch he didn’t think it would really hold. She always had an agenda and it never included him.
He opened his eyes and looked her way, thinking she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The soft rays of the setting sun made her face glow with such loveliness, it took his breath away. An evening breeze blew her long tendrils of hair along her temples and down her back. He had an overwhelming urge to touch her. As he had done for so long, he stilled the urge and turned away, oppressing the impulse.
Then he remembered the reason he was there that weekend. Using his audience as an excuse, he boldly reached over and cupped the back of her head with one hand. Before she could decipher his move, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the nape of her neck. She smelled of freshness and blossoms and a cool sea breeze. Her skin was as soft as cotton and her long silky hair felt like clouds caressing his cheek as it blew in the breeze.
When he felt a tiny shiver ripple across her skin he pulled away. “Are you cold?”
She shook her head then turned to look at him. “What was that for?”
His eyes studied her face before he whispered, “To thank you for a nice day. I enjoyed myself.”
Sonya smiled and curiously looked a bit relieved. “Me too.”
Did she think he was trying to make a pass at her? Was her look of relief because she lacked interest in pursuing that type of relationship with him? It was true that they had discovered a part of each other that neither had known before. Maybe it was Daniel’s own wishful thinking, but he had hoped it was the beginning of a new relationship between them. One of lasting and meaningful profoundness.
The amicable friendship continued all night long and even later in the bedroom where they sat and talked into the wee hours of the morning. They discovered things about each other they hadn’t known and a surprising compatible sense of humor. Sonya laughed out right at things Daniel said and was amazed at stories he recounted from his childhood. Whereas he too listened with glued ears to stories she shared from her own past.
Behind all this lay an undercurrent of sexuality, but it represented a line he knew Sonya wasn’t ready to cross. He was forced to keep his distance even burying his hunger and desire for this woman in order to make her happy. He sensed that somewhere along her life, someone had come in and stolen her beliefs in love and happily-ever-afters. He wanted to reassure her that they did exist and deeply within him, but for now he was experiencing a Sonya he had never seen before. Not believing it possible, he loved her even more.
* * *
The weekend was winding down and like every other year, Sonya groaned at the prospect. This one had, however, an even more bittersweet closure.
As they strolled through an outdoor flea market, Sonya looked across at Daniel and smiled. She would never have imagined the weekend could have turned out so wonderful. Within a few hours it would be all over and things would be back to the way they were.
He stopped to browse a display table lined with used compact discs, and Sonya halted beside him. Maura and Patrick strolled beside them arm-in-arm with Maura’s head resting against Patrick’s shoulder. The sight caused a warm stirring inside Sonya and had her slipping her own arm through Daniel’s. He glanced at her and smiled. Sonya smiled in return.
She dragged her attention away from his face and focused on the CD in his hand, not wanting to put to
o much thought into their exchanged smiles.
“Tchaikovsky?” She was startled at his choice of music.
He made a grimace and said, “I know, pretty boring, but I enjoy listening to classical music.”
She leaned over and flipped the CD over. “This is actually a very good rendition. The scores performed on this one are in D major.”
Daniel glanced at her, brows high, not bothering to disguise his surprise
“I have it at home.” She shrugged.
“You listen to Tchaikovsky?”
“All the classics,” she confirmed with a grin. “But I think he’s my favorite.”
He shook his head slowly and eyed her for the longest time. “You’re beginning to scare me.”
She laughed out right. “Why is that?”
Still shaking his head he told her, “This isn’t the Sonya I know.”