“Oh.” Audrey made a mock expression of understanding. “And what a change that would be from men whose only interest is making a grab for my ass.”

She walked away before Sonya could console her more. She would have to explain it all to her tomorrow over coffee with Maura. Maura would help explain, she understood completely.

Sonya owed Daniel an apology as well. She really shouldn’t have been so harsh on him. First thing tomorrow, she would speak to him and make everything all right between them again.

Her front door opened once more and Tristan Manning was suddenly there, in her apartment. Her disheartened spirits quickly evaporated. He came. He was actually in her apartment. And, if she had anything to do with it, in her bedroom before the night was through.

“Tristan!” she called out and waved her hand.

He noticed and weaved his way through the bodies littering her apartment. As he approached, she noticed he wore his lazy smile. The one which looked as if he had made love all night long. “Hey, Sara. Great party.”

Her smile vanished. “Sonya.”

“Right.” He clicked his tongue and shot two imaginary guns at her from the tips of his fingers and gave an apologetic shrug. “Going to get it right one of these days.”

Audrey appeared out of nowhere. “I need a refill.”

Apparently, she had not noticed their boss’s arrival, then the angry glare intended for Sonya, completely vanished. Startled, she exclaimed, “Mr. Manning!”

Sonya’s brows arched. Mr. Manning?

He turned and looked down at the blonde, becoming serious all at once, nodding his head in greeting. “Audrey.”

Oh sure, he remembered her name!

“Glad you found the place, Tristan.” Sonya’s face glowed with as much allure and temptation as she could muster. “Let me show you around.”

Audrey took a step back but otherwise did not move. Instead, she stood and watched as the duo disappeared.

“And, finally, my bedroom is back here.” She ended the short tour on purpose down the small corridor leading to her bedroom.

He glanced at her, raised a brow then brushed past her and into the room. Sonya couldn’t contain the tiny jolt of excitement. He stood near the entrance, surveying the soft lace curtains over the window and the flowing hue of blue and white walls that reminded her of being caught in a springtime cloud. Overhanging the iron canopy bed were shrouds of white silk, while beneath, the bed was covered in a billow of satin sheets and pillows.

Tristan took a step further inside then turned and looked at her. “This doesn’t look like this should be your room.”

Surprised, she asked, “Why is that?”

He shrugged and made a gesture to encompass the entire room. “It looks straight out of a Victorian romance novel.”

“You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that. I was just expecting something a bit gaudier.”

She had to laugh. Where on earth would he have gotten such an impression? Pointing toward the bed, she offered, “Would you like to sit?”

He nodded then dropped down on the bed, caught off guard when he realized the mattress was a waterbed. Chuckling, he said, “Now this makes more sense.”

She grinned and watched him sitting there on her bed, a fantasy she fostered for so long. He looked just as perfect on it as she imagined. Her breathing quickened, stimulated by the fantasy in her head and the genuine thing in her bedroom. She wasn’t dreaming from months of yearning; he was actually and physically sitting on her favorite satin sheets. And eyeing her with lust.

He patted the spot next to him and said, “Sit.”

Like a trained puppy, she did as commanded. Her heart began a rapid beat while her mouth went suddenly dry.

When she sat next to him, he lifted a hand and tenderly brushed a strand of long curls aside. “You are very beautiful.”

“Thank you. So are you.” Christ, did she really say that? “I mean handsom—good-looking! Ah, hell, you’re gorgeous.”

He chuckled. “You’ve had your eye on me for a while now.”