“Tell me what?” A deep baritone voice sounded from the back entrance before his huge frame filled the doorjamb. He wasn’t exactly huge in the giant aspect, actually he was a rather short man on the overweight side, which ga

ve him the appearance of being large.

Upon noticing Colin standing beside his daughter, Frank Smith’s face broke into a beam. “Well, hello there stranger. How have you been keeping yourself?”

“Busy.” Colin accepted the bear hug and was awarded with a hefty smack on the back. “How are you doing, Mr. Smith?”

“Call me Frank.” He grinned from ear to ear. “You’re practically family.”

“Yes sir.” He agreed while the big burly man gathered his only daughter into his arms and squeezed.

“Daddy,” she protested.

“So tell me, son, where’s this fancy fiancée of yours?”

Aimee couldn’t help but roll her eyes. If anyone asked him that question one more time she swore she would cough up breakfast, lunch and probably dinner as well. And that was just from yesterday’s meals.

As he began explaining once more Sheila’s absence, Aimee’s other two brothers, Scott and Joel came in from the door their father had just emerged. “Hey, Colin. Nice to see you again. Where’s that fiancée we heard so much about?”

That was it! Tossing her overnight bag onto the floor, Aimee didn’t realize how hard she had thrown it until it banged loudly and startled everyone present. The room went silent for mere seconds while they all turned and looked at her in alarm.

Gwen Smith was the first to speak. “Joel, why don’t you help your sister with her bags?”

“I’ll get them.” Colin quickly volunteered as if he had forgotten his place.

“Don’t be foolish,” Gwen scolded gently. “Aimee has four very strong and vile brothers. It was time she put them to use.”

Colin grinned. “I don’t mind. After all, I’ve always felt like a brother.”

Gwen was quick to respond. “Oh, you’re not her brother, Colin sweetheart. I’m testament to that.”

His face dropped and he took an uncomfortable step backwards as Gwen turned and once again paged one of her sons. Aimee almost felt sorry for him as he allowed Joel to pick up the blankets he had brought in from the car. Scott, the closest to her in age, retrieved the overnight bag near her feet and threw it over his shoulder as he innocently asked, “So I take it you’re over your crush on Colin?”

Aimee froze, and everyone around her seemed to also have gone still, most importantly Colin. Turning beet red, Aimee gave her brother a silent glare before sneaking a quick peek to the man in reference. His eyes were huge and round while his glorious mouth hung open in obvious shock. If it hadn’t been such a horrible moment, Aimee would probably laugh at his expression.

“Don’t talk foolish, Scott dear, and help your sister with her luggage.” Gwen spoke first trying to lighten the situation.

Somehow Aimee discovered her voice. “That was a long time ago, Scott. I’ve grown up since then.”

“Ow,” he cried out when she kicked him in the shin as she brushed past him. “Okay, okay. Sorry, but no one updated me.”

Wanting to ignore Colin she would have walked past him without looking in his direction, but he reached out and grabbed her arm. Looking up, his face had returned to his usual gentle expression and friendly smile. Though perhaps his smile was a tad softer than usual. “I’m going to head over to my parent’s house now.”

“Oh.” He had rebounded quickly but Aimee wasn’t as swift and had a hard time meeting his gaze. “All right. Thanks for the lift.”

“I’ll see you later.” He looked down at her and she almost melted at the sweetness of his smile. Good Lord, he felt sorry for her.

Nodding her head, she turned and started to continue her way upstairs. Her mother’s voice though detained her. “Why don’t you go with him, Aimee? It’s been awhile since you paid a visit to Jo and Verna.”

She turned around ready to flash an angry glare in her mother’s direction. This homecoming couldn’t have been worse. If he hadn’t realized her feelings from her brother’s callous if not harmless question, he was sure to figure it out with her mother’s meddling. But as she turned around he caught her eye. He actually looked pleased with the idea. Aimee felt her anger melt away and a familiar warmth stir in the pit of her stomach whenever he looked at her that way.

“Earth to Aimee.” Joel’s voice in her ear drew her out of her daydreams. “Where do you want these blankets?”

Flustered, she quickly looked away and ordered sternly, “Anywhere. On my bed is fine.”

From the bottom of the stairs, Colin said, “I’ve got to be going. My parents will be wondering what’s keeping me.”

“Give Verna my love.” Gwen pecked his cheek.