He chuckled. “Want to give it another go?”

She looked up into his face and her heart overflowed with the love he felt that emitted from his eyes, leaving a warm and wonderful sensation to take over her mind and body. And if she was not mistaken, her soul as well. With joy in her eyes, she lifted her arms and took his face into her hands and told him, “I love you more than I ever imagined possible, Daniel Keller. I want to spend all my days and nights with you. I want to help style your hair, and organize your shoes, and listen to Tchaikovsky with you on a leisure Sunday afternoon. And I want to spend the rest of my life having you dribble as much useless information as you like. Will you marry me, Daniel?”

His smile was so genuine and reflected the love and joy he felt inside that Sonya’s heart burst in immediate response. He reached up and covered her hands with his own, then turned one over to press a tender kiss into its palm. “Will you be able to tolerate living with a boring computer nerd who doesn’t drink, swear or party for the rest of your days? Because I am who I am.”

“I love you for who you are. I don’t want anything less.” Her eyes glimmered of love as she placed a finger to his lips. “Please say yes.”

His eyes held hers for so long that Sonya thought she would melt right there under the immense heat spewing forth from them. “Yes.”

Their lips came together in a binding kiss of love and devotion. The happiness in their hearts pounded in unison as they joined together once more in love. As Daniel drew her down on top of him, he muttered against her mouth, “I think the Institute can spare me this morning. What do you think? Will Tristan miss you down at the bar?”

“My shift doesn’t start until three. We’ve got all morning.” She shifted her body and pressed against his. “Besides, I do believe we are celebrating.”

“That’s right.” He lifted his head to peer down into her eyes. “Robert Alto’s visit. How did it go?”

“Later.” She pulled his head back down. “I’ll tell you later. I was actually referring to our own celebration.”

He grinned and happily joined her on the mattress. As he took the woman he loved into his arms, a feeling of completion filled his heart at last. With misunderstandings at last gone, they were able to come together as one.


* * *

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Note from Author

I truly hope you enjoyed reading Misunderstood (In Love with the Nerd) as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is Book 2 in “The Miss Series”. If you missed the first book, Misfortune (Christmas with Scrooge), you can go here to purchase a copy. If you would like to be notified of the next book in the series, please sign up to my newsletter here where I will email you directly when it is released. Please continue to the following page to read an excerpt from Book 3, Misguided (Her Brother’s Best Friend). The story about Aimee Smith, a country girl living in the city who is secretly in love with her brother’s longtime best friend, Colin Pearson.

As always, if you enjoyed this story and would like to leave a review on Amazon, it is always welcome and appreciated. Authors depend on the reviews of their readers to help with their visibility and ranking on Amazon. Thank you again and happy reading.


Peggy Ann Craig



(Her Brother’s Best Friend)

After Colin loaded the last afghan into the trunk of his prized Hemi’ Cuda, he climbed inside the seat next to Aimee and buckled up. With a turn of his wrist, the engine roared to life while he tilted his chin toward her and asked, “So what made you finally give up your blankets?”

“I’m not giving them up, I’m selling them.”

“All right, selling them?”

“Two things really. For financial means and because I would dearly love to see the bottom of my closet once again.”

“You’re not selling them on account of the Mustang, are you?”

“No,” she lied, not wanting to let him know the debilitated vehicle he bought on her behalf, was not in her budget. After all, it wasn’t the entire reason and she looked forward to the time they’d spend together in his garage restoring the classic car. “It was just time.”

“Good, because you know I couldn’t let you do that. I would have to purchase each and every one to stop you from doing such a foolish act.”