He sat up quickly and drew her up against him, pressing his mouth hard against hers, before he grabbed her hand and led her across the apartment corridor. “Hell, I think she’s a big girl. When I’m not back before breakfast, she’ll figure it out.”

“She will?”

“I think anyone I spoke to within the past year knows how I feel about you. Being my sister and onl

y sibling, she guessed pretty much right away.”

She stared at him dumbfounded. “You’ve loved me that long?”

He looked so embarrassed all at once, that Sonya thought he looked so sweet. She could eat him up. Patient Sonya, she chided herself with a seductive grin to the corner of her mouth, you’ll get your chance in a few short minutes.

“Pretty much.” He nodded and watched her with a bit of concern on his face. She eased his worries by displaying her broadest smile and allowed the love she felt in return to glow from her eyes. He groaned and pulled her toward him. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you. My heart was yours.”

“Oh Daniel.” She crooned like any other woman being sweet-talked and was only too happy when he continued toward her apartment.

A voice from the back room stopped them in their tracks. “Going out, Daniel?”

He shot his eyes heavenward at his sister’s obvious sarcastic timing. “You and Jonathon help yourself to breakfast.” He grinned at Sonya. “I’m eating out.”

Her eyes widened in mock horror and giggled with delight as they hurried across the hall and into her apartment. As the door clicked behind them, he quickly snatched her up in his arms and carried her down the hall where he wasted no time in getting down to business.

A long while later, Sonya lay beneath her satin sheets and watched as Daniel brought in a tray of breakfast food. She really wasn’t hungry but it was such a romantic act, that she would have gladly cleaned the whole tray up if it pleased him.

He placed the tray on the end of the waterbed, then scurried under the blankets with her. The bed swayed beneath them as he reached for a slice of toast, causing him to smear jelly on his fingertips.

“Sorry about that,” he muttered, offering her the unaffected slice.

She gave him a seductive grin, then tilted back her head and opened her mouth to be fed. His eyes twinkled of amusement and desire as he did as she bid.

Not only did she take the food into her mouth, she devoured his long fingers as well, not letting go until she had sucked the last trace of the sweet tasting gelatin from their tips. When she was done, he moaned with desire and replaced his fingers with his mouth, ravishing her lips with his own. With renewed desire, she slipped her arms about his neck and returned his kiss with ardor.

She heard him release a low cry of desire from deep within his throat and felt its vibrations against her lips. Her libido shifted up another gear as she responded to the guttural cry of desire with her own and plunged the kiss deeper. It still amazed her the reaction he had on her.

At last he found the restraint to draw himself away from her, but only far enough to pull her into the crook of his chest to hold her tight there. “I could stay here with you forever, but if we don’t try soon to pull ourselves together we are going to be late for work.”

She let out a little cry of disappointment but conceded he was probably right. Besides, there was always tonight and the next night. With a start, Sonya realized that she wanted the rest of her nights to be with Daniel. She didn’t want any other man, and she didn’t want him with any other woman.



“Where do we go from here?” She didn’t know why, but she held her breath. She desperately wanted him to feel the same way.

“What do you mean?” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I mean—you know—” She was surprised at her own sudden lack of nerve. Why couldn’t she just come out and say it? Ask him his intentions? She caught herself. His intentions? Lord, that didn’t sound anything like the Sonya she knew. This love stuff was already starting to have an effect on her. “Did you want to get married?”

There was a moment’s silence before he erupted into laughter. A horrendous feeling of humiliation swept over her so quick, so swift, that it knocked her off her senses momentarily. But only momentarily.

“I didn’t think it was that funny.” She spat out in anger and attempted to remove herself from his embrace.

However, he did not loosen his hold. “Just hold on.” Then when she struggled within his grasp, he said a little bit more firmly, “For pity’s sake, Sonya, hold still. Of course I want to marry you.”

She stilled all at once. “You do? Then why did you laugh?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “For lots of reasons. First, because it wasn’t the most romantic proposal. Second, because I imagined it would be me doing the asking and third because you sounded so shy and unsure. I’ve never heard you sound that way before. It was kind of sweet.”

She frowned then began to smirk. “Sweet? Me? Hardly.”