This only made her smile. Typical of Daniel to be concerned about her even after the way she last treated him. “I brought your slow cooker back.”

“Oh.” He blinked and began to push himself into a sitting position. “Thanks.”

She nodded. “Then I thought we might have small talk and I’d tell you all about Robert Alto’s visit yesterday.”

His face went blank and he simply sat there studying her.

“Then I thought to hell with small talk, I just want to make love.” She watched his face closely.

A grey cloud darkened his features and two thick brows puckered. “Sonya—”

“Daniel.” She interrupted him and held his gaze. “I love you.”

He froze and his eyes held hers for so long, she began to worry the smallest amount about his response. At last he let out a low sigh, leaned back against the sofa, looked at her from beneath sleepy lids, and then offered her an unexpected grin.

“I already knew that.”

She returned his grin and got up to join him on the sofa. Their eyes

locked and they stared at each other with unmasked emotions for the first time. His eyes spoke with such sincerity, Sonya thought her heart would stop then and there. She’d never seen him look at her that way before.

He reached up and cupped the side of her face and drew her gently toward him where he placed his lips over hers in the most heart-warming kiss she ever experienced. His voice heavy with huskiness, he whispered against her lips, “I love you, Sonya. Always have.”

Her entire chest heaved with elation and a joyous thunder. He loved her. How was that possible? “Are you sure? I mean, Daniel you are a genius and you deserve—”

“You.” He stopped her by pressing a kiss to her lips. “I am so sick of being told what a genius I am. You are the only person that ever made me feel human. You saw beyond my brain IQ.”

“But I’ve treated you so bad.” Even remembering now, she felt a shudder of disgust at herself. “I was such a jackass.”

He grinned and nodded his head. “You weren’t the most flattering, but—”

She frowned. “But?”

His smile spread wider as he traced a finger along her lips. Lips that had uttered some of the cruelest things to him. “You were kind of amusing to watch. I don’t get much entertainment in my line of profession.”

“Hey!” She made as if insulted and slapped his hand away in jest. Then turning serious said, “Are you sure, Daniel? I mean really sure? We’re so different.”

“How are we different?” He too looked all at once serious as he stared down into her face. “We are both sensible, gifted, and intelligent people. While we can also be stubborn, a bit too curt, and often jump too hastily to the wrong conclusions, we also share the same bizarre taste in music and clever sense of humor.”

She smiled.

He returned her smile. “Not to mention we love each other very much. I say we have a lot in common.”

Sonya’s heart glowed of love as she reached up and stroked his cheek. “I don’t deserve you.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” He made a face as if insulted. “I suppose you’re still pining over that Tristan fellow?”

She groaned and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what I was thinking. His love for Audrey is so obvious, and I refused to believe it. Any more than I could have believed you capable of loving me.”

He fondled a long strand of hair. “You’re not jealous of Audrey, are you?”

“I was.” She admitted. “But only because I wanted the man I cared for to love me in return the way Tristan felt for Audrey. I didn’t believe that people like us could find true love.”

“Us?” He arched a brow in puzzlement.

“Audrey. Tristan. Me.” She grew solemn. “We’re not your kind of caliber, Daniel. We’re waitresses and bar owners. You’re an educated classy and decent guy.”

“Hey.” He shot her a grave look. “Just because I have a degree and a fancy office job doesn’t necessarily place me in some kind of superior league. If there is such a ludicrous place, you get there on character alone. Everyone deserves love. Whether it is of the genuine kind or the earned kind.”