He was supposed to have been at work when she came home early from school that day and discovered her nude father upon her mother’s pristine bed sheets, pounding his large and sweaty form into a naked woman who was not her mother. It was a sight she would never forget. And a memory she would never forgive.

The same raw emotion filled her chest now as she stood there staring at the woman who stood so unabashedly before her. Her mouth went dry and the back of her eyes began to burn. Then an uncontrollable shake took over her body.

“Did you want something?” The redheaded woman spoke again, and all at once a fiery bolt of anger shot straight to Sonya’s heart and knocked her out of her numbness. Did she want something? Indeed.

Lifting her leg, she kicked the door open as she had earlier fantasized about doing, but instead of jumping the man’s groins, she would knee him in them instead. The woman fell back in surprise but at the last second caught her balance. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Get out of my way.” Sonya spat out, thrusting the slow cooker into the startled woman’s hands, then headed straight for the bedroom. With anger so blinding, she thought with sincerity she would love nothing more than to slay him right there in his adulterated bed with his redheaded lover watching.

She marched down the hall, swung open the bedroom door and stomped across the floor and came to an abrupt halt at the foot of the bed. “You low-life, two-timing bastard!”

The dark head on the pillow stirred, lifted and turned around to look at her. But it was not Daniel who looked back at her with groggy but confused eyes along with what may have been slight amusement. But a stranger instead. Sonya’s jaw dropped and should have hit the floor along with the rest of her body, but to her amazement she was still standing.

“That doesn’t sound too good.” The stranger grinned and said, “What drastic deed did I perform to deserve such an accusation?”

“Who are you?” It was the only logical thing to say. Her mind quickly worked and she thought for a half-crazed second that she entered the wrong apartment. A quick glance around and she recognized Daniel’s belongings.

From behind, the redhead came to stand beside Sonya, appearing slightly perturbed and yet slightly inquisitive. “I think the question is, who are you?”

She shook her head to see if she would wake up and discover she was in the most awful dream. But the woman still stood there looking at her. With a start, she realized that she had no idea who this woman was and why she was in Daniel’s apartment in the early hours of the morning.

“What are you doing in Daniel’s apartment?” Her eyes felt as if they were glued wide open. She couldn’t seem to make herself blink.

The woman looked a bit relieved. “Then you do know Daniel?”

“Of course,” she stated. She wasn’t the stranger here. “I live across the hall. Who are you?”

The woman’s face relaxed some more and she even had the nerve to look amused. “Ah, Sonya.”

Her eyes went even wider if that was possible. “How do you know my name?”

The woman smiled all of a sudden. “I’m Kate.”

Then when no sign of recognition lit Sonya’s face, the woman sighed and said, “Daniel didn’t tell you about me?”

“No,” she replied and had to clench her jaw to control her anger.

The redheaded woman surprised her all at once when she informed her, “I’m his sister.”

She felt her jaw unclench and make a rapid direction for the floor. “His what?”

“Sister.” She grinned and then gestured toward the bed. “And this low-life, two-timing bastard is my husband, Jonathon.”

“Oh my God.” A feeling of utter humiliation swept over her. How could she have been so stupid? The answer was swift. So swift that it dawned on her that she knew the answer for some time now but was too afraid to admit it. “Where’s Daniel?”

“Sleeping on the couch.” His sister smiled with encouragement.

Feeling like a complete fool, she muttered, “If you’ll excuse me.”

The woman smiled and her husband called out as she slunk out of the room, “It was nice to meet you.”

Cheeks burning of embarrassment, she made her way back down the hall and toward the living room. Just inside the entrance she stopped and stared down at him as he slept undisturbed from all the commotion in his bedroom. His large body looked uncomfortable curled up under a blanket and his dark hair was in complete disarray, but he never looked more beautiful to Sonya than at that moment.

She sighed and walked over to him. Just in front of the sofa, she kneeled down and stared into his face. He was gorgeous and she chuckled at her own ridiculous belief at one time that it would take a lot of work to make him a heartthrob. Her chest pounded at the realization he had always made her heart throb but she had been too frightened to acknowledge it. His kind of beauty was not only skin deep, but rooted much deeper within him.

Now, she looked on with her eyes glowing and her heart full. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. She didn’t withdraw right away, instead she lingered and enjoyed the taste of his lips beneath her own. When she felt him stir, she withdrew and looked down at him.

His eyes blinked once, then twice, then he stared up into her face with confusion. “Sonya? What’s wrong? What’s going on?”