After he locked himself in the bathroom, Sonya asked the closed door, “Will you have a glass with me?”


Shrugging, she headed toward the kitchen and picked up the bottle opener from where she left it lying on the counter. It was true. She really did hate it when she and Daniel fought. Probably even more than when she and her closest friend, Maura, argued. And those lasted for days. The wonderful thing about Daniel was he always forgave quickly.

She returned to the living room with a glass full of wine and stretched out on the luxurious sofa, moaning softly at the relaxing touch it evoked along her tired muscles and sensitive skin. The day must have been more exhausting than she thought. Her entire body tingled and yearned to be touched. Sighing softly, she slithered in the fine material of her dress and attempted to relieve the aching in her body.

“Would you like to be left alone?”

Daniel’s voice startled her, but not by much. Without even bothering to open her eyes, she offered a flirtation grin. The image behind her closed lids consisted of a very sexy Tristan Manning lying stretched out next to her on the leather sofa.

“Seriously. Don’t you have your own couch to do this on?”

“Shut up.” Keeping her eyes closed, she played with the image some more and couldn’t resist moving her pelvis wantonly.

Daniel felt his insides clench with irritation, and perhaps a bit too theatrical, reached out and knocked her legs off the sofa, snapping her out of her reverie. Her eyes jerked open. They were hazy and had an unmistakable fiery glaze to them. Maybe he would have that glass of wine after all.

“You really are a spoilsport tonight.” He felt her eyes watching him as he took a long gulp from her glass. “I thought you had to work in the morning.”

He finished the last drop and placed the glass on the coffee table then picked up the bottle for a refill. “And I thought so did you.”

“Not until three. It’s my last shift.”

He frowned then dropped down beside her on the sofa. “Aren’t you scheduled for the rest of the week? You are planning on giving them proper notice?”

She bit her lip in a suggestive manner, leaned forward, and said in a husky voice, “Tristan wants me now.”

Daniel repressed the urge to curse and tell her where this Tristan fellow could go. Instead, he said, “That’s not very considerate.”

She gave a careless shrug. “I have only to worry about myself.”

“And Tristan Manning.”

Blasted, he didn’t want to get into yet another argument with her, but their topics always seemed to come back to the same thing or person. He never met Tristan Manning, but he

could sincerely state he had a deep aversion to the guy.

“You know Daniel, if you spent less time worrying about me and my proper behavior, you might actually escape having an ulcer and live to be a right jolly old man.”

He stared at her as she concentrated on drinking her wine. “I suppose I should mind my own business. But I do like you and hate to see you hurt.”

A smile sprang to her face. “You are so sweet. That is exactly why I adore you.” Lying back down on the plush cushions, she stretched out her bare legs and dropped them over his lap. “But if you really don’t want to see me hurt, be a sweetheart and rub the pain out of my feet. Those sandals are torture.”

His eyes dropped to the shapely legs stretched out across his lap. He did a deliberate scrutiny up the long smooth skin where they disappeared below the thin material of her dress, then slowly made his way down once again. The mental camera in his brain snapped away at the image. He was unable to stop the male reaction from stirring beneath his pants.

“Christ, haven’t you ever seen a pair of legs before?” Her remark woke him from his trance and squelched instantly the desire in his groins.



“An acute condition in the metatarsal region of the foot resulting from the continual wearing of high-heels—”

“Oh, for pity’s sake,” she groaned, rubbing a hand over her eyes. “What are you? A walking encyclopedia?”

“Popular Science subscriber,” he said. “I read a lot.”

“No kidding.” Then wiggling her toes, said, “Come on, be a sweetheart, will ya, and help me out?”