She dropped the curtain and turned away from the window. He, however, had come to the mistaken conclusion. She wasn’t sure how he did, but his relief in her denial played itself out in her mind. He wasn’t looking for any attachments or commitments, especially from someone like Sonya. Her personality was very clear to him and he fully took advantage of what she offered.

Decent, my ass, she thought as she slammed a cupboard door on an empty shelf. All this time she thought he was such a nice guy. She didn’t know him as well as she thought. However, as he had pointed out, that was due to her own lack of attempt.

Opening the fridge door, she came face to face with the slow cooker, still full of leftovers. A sudden rush of emotion assaulted her and she felt an unexpected urge to cry.

She slammed the fridge door shut then marched back over to the window and whipped back the curtain. Still no Daniel. Anger began to grow inside. Where was he? Could he possibly still be down at the Institute? An unexpected urge to call the place to check and see if he was still there toyed with her thoughts. Then rationality set in and she took a long gulp of her wine instead.

What Daniel Keller did with his time, was his own concern. She held no commitments or ties to him. He owed her nothing. He had no fears. His absurd conclusion that she was in love with him was ridiculous. Terribly far-fetched ridiculous. Sonya in love? Never.

She had nothing against the emotion, but it belonged to softhearted people like Maura and Patrick and Audrey. The fingers toying with the stem of her glass, froze. And Tristan.

She hadn’t wanted to see it, hadn’t wanted to admit it, but it was there. As clear as the sun on a cloudless day. Tristan loved Audrey. The admission didn’t leave a pain in Sonya’s heart, but rather in her conscience. She didn’t believe that men like Tristan were capable of loving. Any more than women like Sonya were.

Her belly argued with her once more to be fed and Sonya went and pulled out the slow cooker from her fridge. There was no sense in wasting food. If he had been home, she would have invited him over to join her. There was plenty for two.

As she filled a plate, she scolded herself at her own blatant lie. She could care less if he ate a single bite, she simply wanted him there. To help celebrate her news, of course. Maybe even, if he was willing, move the celebrations into her bedroom.

She shut the microwave door perhaps a bit too hard if the echo that resonated throughout the apartment was any indication. What a huge mistake it would be if they were to have that celebration in her bedroom. It didn’t fare so well the first time, why would she think it would do any better a second time around. Not that the actual act of lovemaking had been bad. She grinned at her reflection in the black microwave door, while a warm shudder of goose bumps ran down her arms. He had been terrific. Absolutely wonderful. And she would give anything to be with him again.

The microwave beeped loudly snapping her out of her dangerous reverie. Lord, what a mistake that would be.

She dropped into a seat in front of the table and idly wondered why it would be such a mistake. If she really thought about it, the first time they both went into it not knowing what the other expectations or reasons were. This time their motivations would be clear. No room for misunderstandings.

Appeased by this conclusion, she was able to eat her meal whole-heartedly, then cleaned up her dishes and Daniel’s slow cooker. When he got home, she would use it as an excuse to go over to his place and return it. They always got along well, so naturally things would progress until Sonya was certain she could lure him back into bed.

She smiled to herself as she slipped over to the window and peered out. Her smile dimmed a fraction of an inch. Still no Daniel. What time was it anyway? The digital clock on her portable stereo displayed nine fifty-eight. Where was he? Lord, she would really have to talk to him about the hours he put in down at the Institute. It just wasn’t humane.

After releasing an

exasperated sigh, she flicked on the television set then dropped down on the sofa to surf for something interesting to watch while she waited. However, an annoying thought played with her conscience. What if he wasn’t at the Institute? What if he was out? Possibly with a woman?

Then reality sunk in and she laughed at her own ridiculous thoughts. So he shared a night of illicit sex with her, didn’t mean he suddenly turned into a Casanova. Sure he took her by surprise by succumbing to their shared arousal, but for goodness sakes he knew Sonya. Knew what type of woman she was.

The Daniel she knew would only make love to a woman he felt comfortable with if he decided it was necessary to release his male urges. A feeling of ease washed over. Of course, that made perfect sense. If he were to partake in sexual intercourse again, she was certain it would be with her. Even if he didn’t indicate as much when he left the other morning. Daniel Keller wasn’t the promiscuous kind. He would have one lover.

A grin played along her lips as she closed her eyelids and fantasized about Daniel and that glorious body of his making passionate love to her. She stayed in that position so long that time slipped away and she had no realization that she drifted off into a deep heated sleep full of lecherous images of the two of them in the most erotic positions.

* * *

Sonya blinked once and focused on the living room furnishings around her. Glancing down, she noticed a large sofa pillow clutched between her legs. Memories of her dream resurfaced. A warm sensation stirred in the pit of her pelvis.

She released a groan and tossed the pillow aside then ran to the window and looked out. His car was parked in its usual place. A smile lit up her face and she quickly ran a hand through her tousled hair. In the kitchen, she retrieved the slow cooker and took note of the time on the digital clock. It indicated she could jot across the hall, engage in small talk, tell him about Robert Alto’s visit, make mad passionate love, then quickly return to her apartment, shower, dressed and hurry off to work.

Yes, she had plenty of time. At her door she paused long enough for a breath check before swinging the door open and skipping across the hall at a nearly running pace. She banged hard three times and waited.

It took longer than she thought necessary as she waited impatiently on his threshold. Knowing Daniel’s strict schedule, she would have imagined he would have already been up and getting ready to head down to the Institute. At last she heard the lock click and a burst of excitement filled her chest.

As the door slowly opened she transfixed a smile to her face and thought to hell with short talk. If he didn’t open that door any faster, she would kick it open with her foot right before she leaped into his arms.

A head peered around the heavy wooden frame. A sleepy, tousled-hair, groggy-eyed, redhead. “Yes?”

Sonya froze. She couldn’t move a muscle. All she could do was stand there staring at this woman who obviously had spent the night in Daniel’s apartment. In Daniel’s bed.

“Can I help you?” The woman asked as she peered at her through sleepy eyes.

Her whole world felt as if it had come tumbling down. Perceptions and beliefs were shattered into a million tiny pieces. A pain so severe exploded in her chest. She had felt something akin to it once before. Many, many years ago. A memory that attached such raw and hurtful emotions she buried long ago never to allow it to resurface. Except now.

She had only been ten but she was wise beyond her years. Her parents were constantly bickering and her mother was continually in tears. It hurt terribly to watch. She loved her mother greatly, and hated her father dearly.