The lips below her mouth were warm and soft and she pushed closer as if trying to bury her own deeper in his warmth. She leaned closer and reveled at the touch of his body along her own and knew in an instant what she had to do.

She drew back only to breathe into his mouth a cry of desperation. “Daniel, I want you.”

She heard him suck in a sharp breath then felt her arm seized in a fierce grip before he spun her around and moved them quickly toward the exit. It seemed so far away. Particularly at a time when she desperately wanted to be out of that room and back in her apartment with Daniel in her arms and in her bed.

“It’s about time.”

His curt remark had her smooth forehead crease in puzzlement but she was far too distracted to care. As soon as they stepped outdoors and the cool evening air hit her face, he drew her back into his arms. Sonya went willingly and happily.

His kiss was hard and urgent and she knew he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him. Large arms came around and seized her tiny waist and crushed her body against his. Through the soft material of her dress she felt his male response and a shudder of excitement rippled throughout her body.

Her hands yearned to touch him in his most private area but settled for the feel of his chest as she delved below the hem of his black tuxedo and yanked out the crisp white shirt in order to sneak her hands beneath. His skin was soft and warm yet firm and on blazing fire. She heard him muffle a groan into her mouth as her hands explored his body for the first time.

As their lips were inseparable, her hands were left to explore blindly. A subconscious thought crossed her mind as she felt the taut muscles of his pecs. How in the world did this gorgeous body go unnoticed by her for so long? She wasn’t given much time to think for it was at that exact moment his own hands began their own exploring.

She let loose a long delighted sigh when his hand found the round swelling of her breast and her heart palpitated to an alarming rate. So shocked by her reaction, she took a deep steady breath and stepped back. The unbelievable truth was that it was Daniel who was making her feel this way.

“What are we doing?”

Disoriented, he stared down at her and blinked. It seemed that they were both taken aback by the sudden desire coursing through their bodies. Stimulated by the sole touch of the other. His breathing was heavy and he appeared to be trying to get it under control. A tiny flicker of worry found its way into the corner of his eye.

Sonya reacted quickly. Throwing herself back in his arms she pressed her mouth hard against his. One of her legs came up and hooked itself around his hip and drew him even closer. Their desire was undeniable. She wouldn’t let some silly apprehension come between them.

Between kisses, she uttered, “Daniel, let’s go to my apartment.”

He captured her face between his hands and forced her lips wide with his probing tongue. It lashed out and explored the warm texture of her mouth. She couldn’t prevent the animal hunger taking over her and knew if they didn’t find privacy soon, she would be unaccountable for her actions.

“Daniel, please.” Her hands roamed in fever, needing to touch him and draw him closer.

“I know, I know.” Large hands seized her head and pressed it against his chest as if to quail the wild emotions within. “Lord, you are so beautiful.”

A flutter of delight danced across her heart. “Do you really think I’m beautiful, Daniel?”

He drew back and captured her face between his hands. “There isn’t a more exquisite creature on earth. You’re beauty has taken my breath away from the moment I first laid eyes on you. But you probably already knew that.”

“No, not really.” She smiled with pure happiness up into his face.

He smiled in return then dropped his hands to seize one of hers. “I think we better get going before we put on quite a show right here in front of the banquet hall.”

She nodded and eagerly followed him to his car. The need to be alone with Daniel had taken her by complete surprise. It was an urge that hungered and burned deep within that could only be extinguished by him. She now recognized it for what it was, he had ignited a longing within some time ago but she had been too blind and stubborn to acknowledge it. Then out of utter gratitude her walls came tumbling down and her feelings were granted permission at last. It was such a powerful emotion, that it was almost scary.

He drove with care once more but this time with a bit more speed and Sonya tried to keep her hands to herself to help ensure a safe drive. However, at times she couldn’t prevent them sneaking over and run along the sinewy tissue of his arms. To his acclaim, he did wonderful in ignoring her touch, only occasionally reaching out to capture a hand and press it against the warmth of his lips.

Sonya’s toes tingled with desire and she was forever grateful when their apartment loomed in the skyline and Daniel drove the vehicle into his marked parking spot. After turning off the ignition he took no time in drawing her back into his arms and kissing her with such passion Sonya’s insides began to curl.

All at once, she knew she wanted this time with Daniel to be special. She didn’t want their uncontrollable lust fulfilled in the back seat of a car. She wanted it perfect and memorable so Daniel would never be able to forget.

Pulling out of his arms, she ignored the tiny voice that warned her that she too might find the experience one of her most unforgettable. “Not here. Let’s go upstairs.”

He nodded eagerly, his eyes burning of desire, then moved swiftly out of the vehicle. Sonya followed suit. Together they walked side by side into the building and boarded the elevator with remarkable calm and without touching. However, as soon as they were left alone in the private quarters of the small contraption they turned to each other in hunger.

Sonya attacked him with an urgency she didn’t even realize she possessed. They hit the back of the elevator with force, her mouth grinding kisses into his. It was only then that she realized he had lifted her off the ground and had her body pinned against his. She moaned and crushed her pelvis into his body and wondered if it would be just as spectacular right there on the elevator floor as it would in her bedroom.

The idea wasn’t given much thought before the doors slid open and Daniel moved through them and down the corridor, all the while grasping Sonya firmly in his embrace. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist and never once removed her lips from his mouth. Her hands came up and buried themselves within his thick locks.

“Sonya,” he groaned her name and pressed her back up against her apartment door. “I need you so bad.”

“Me too.” She rained kisses over his face as he blindly dug into her purse for her keys. “I never would have dreamed it could have been like this.”