She sighed. “Good. Fine. Pretty. Your adjectives are anything but flattering.”
His only response to this last remark was a smirk. “You enjoyed the professor’s company, I take it?”
“Yes, he’s very charming.” Then deliberately added, “He has a way with flattery.”
He opened his mouth to respond there was a great number of flowery words he’d love to shower her with but doubted she’d appreciate hearing, when she cut him off by suddenly nodding toward a point just past his shoulder. “Do you know that woman, Daniel?”
He moved his head in the direction she gestured and saw Aimee Smith standing alone in a gathering of tuxedos and gowns. She appeared uncomfortable and lonely. Out of politeness, he raised his hand and saluted. She immediately relaxed and responded in the same manner along with a large bright smile.
“Is she the reason I’m here tonight?”
Daniel looked down into her face and studied her reaction to the other woman’s presence. Aimee Smith was the excuse he had given her. Frank had made it obvious that he would love to add him to their family addition, but his daughter did not appear to feel as inclined. However, it made a perfect pretext for convincing Sonya to accompany him. He purely just wanted her there with him.
She nodded in understanding. “She certainly looks jealous. I see your problem.”
He raised a single brow at her. Really? Interested? He may be naive when it came to identifying the interest of a woman, but he was pretty certain Aimee Smith was merely being friendly.
Sonya turned to study the woman once again and noticed the flattering but simple dress she wore and the severe ponytail she had fastened her bleach blonde hair into at the back of her head. Though she wore minimal makeup, it was obvious she was a rather attractive girl. “So explain to me first why you’re not interested? She seems perfect for you.”
This caused him to frown heavy and spin her around a bit too harsh. “Do me a favor and don’t try and guess who is right for me. That woman is as right for me as—”
“I am for you.” Sonya finished the sentence for him, knowing what he was thinking but too nice to say.
Daniel’s eyes narrowed down at her. “Right. Like mud and oil.”
Sonya looked away unable to meet his eyes in fear that he would read the hurt within them. If only oil wasn’t such a thick and non-absorbent substance.
Her view fell on Aimee Smith once again to discover the woman headed their way. Sonya’s insides clenched in irritation. “Well, don’t look now, but she’s headed our way.”
He gave a weary sigh but turned to look just as Aimee reached them on the dance floor.
“Good evening, Daniel.” She offered him a far too bright of a smile in Sonya’s opinion.
They stopped dancing to greet the woman and for reassurance sake, Sonya slipped her arm through Daniel’s. Aimee Smith’s quick glance duly took note of the action.
“Hello, Aimee,” he said.
“Don’t you just hate these stuffy events? I always feel so uncomfortable at them.”
“Everyone does look like a bunch of stuffed penguins,” Sonya quipped but immediately wished she’d bitten her tongue. That was the old Sonya. The new one had more class. “But there is nothing hotter than a man in tux.”
Oh geez, if that wasn’t any better. She shot Daniel an apologetic look but found him smirking down at her pleased.
Aimee shifted her glance toward Sonya for the first time. “Hello.”
“Ditto.” Sonya hadn’t meant for the word to come out so harsh, but it somehow did.
Aimee’s smile faltered slightly, but she composed it quickly when she returned her attention back to Daniel. “Father said you were here and with your fiancée.”
He nodded in Sonya’s direction. “Sonya Elliott, Aimee Smith.”
Aimee acknowledged Sonya’s more than stunning appearance with an uncomfortable glance, tucking a self-conscious strand of hair behind her ear before saying. “What a wonderful surprise. Father didn’t think anyone could snare the talented Daniel Keller.”
“Your father is too generous.” He responded with a polite smile. “I’m afraid it is quite the opposite. I didn’t think I could ever snare anyone so beautiful.”
Sonya nearly dropped right there on the floor. He called her beautiful. Even if it was for the excuse of fending off the unwanted advances of this woman who evidently had her thorns embedded possessively in Daniel. She tried to push the wonderful sensation that suddenly yearned to engulf her and concentrate on her task at hand. She was there for a purpose. It was high time she put her services to work.