This bit of information led Sonya to believe it was the bigger man and the daughter he subtly referred to was the reason Daniel had dragged her along. These more important men he didn’t attempt to imply that he had any kind of relationship with her.

The man broke into a grin and held out his hand to Sonya. She accepted it and was taken aback when the older gentleman turned it around and pressed a kiss on the top of her hand. “Such beauty. To be in such presence is humbling.”

“Thank you.” Flabbergasted, she simply looked on his bent head.

Then straightening he said, “Daniel is a remarkable young man. He’s done wonders for

the Institute.”

She shot Daniel an arched brow and waited for the introductions. “This is Professor Webster. He’s the head dean at the Institute I’m working at, and a past lecturer in my university days.”

Her mouth dropped in surprise. She had no idea Daniel was a consultant at the very Institute in which he received his honors program. More and more she was discovering things about Daniel she had never known before. But that was dangerous. The more she got to know him, the harder it would be when they parted.

Sonya felt her insides twist, for she knew it was already too late. Leaving Daniel would be the hardest thing she did.

A live orchestra began to play at one end of the banquet hall and caught Professor Webster’s attention. Turning to Sonya, he implored, “Would you do me the honors and share a dance with me. It would look so good to my peers if they saw a beautiful woman in my arms.”

The smile that formed on her lips was the first natural one of the evening. “Such charm.”

“Ah, she talks.” The professor beamed and held out her hand. “And such sweet music to the ears.”

Then turning to Daniel, asked, “You don’t mind if I take this lovely vision away from you for a short time?”

“By all means.” He held up his hand to allow them to proceed and if Sonya wasn’t mistaken, glowed with pride.

She glided onto the dance floor and enjoyed her waltz with Professor Webster. It was a classic dance that she had taught herself years ago in the privacy of her bathroom mirror. There was something about the dance that was mysterious and romantic and she had been determined to learn it even if she never had the opportunity to use it.

Her partner was a smooth dancer as well as talker and Sonya was pleased to discover the older man had a disposition to equal her own. His sense of humor was sharp and witty, and she found herself laughing in spite of herself. With every spin she felt her muscles relax and nerves unwind.

The music ended far too soon to Sonya’s disappointment and so too, apparently, her partner who persuaded her to join him for another dance. She glanced to where she had left Daniel, and upon not seeing him, gave a nod. She was not given much chance to ponder his whereabouts before her partner swung her around and back on the dance floor.

From his corner in the room Daniel watched as Sonya smiled and laughed at something the professor said. He knew the old educator’s dry sense of humor and could appreciate her laughter. More than likely the professor was saying something quick and witty.

He turned his attention away and searched the room of faces and saw some recognizable and some not. At the back near an elaborate display of orchards was a man of tall height and slim frame. His dark head grayed to white over the years. Daniel headed in his direction.

He greeted Daniel cordially and congratulated him on his design, then asked, “When is the earliest you can begin installing the new networks?”

“That all depends.” He told him as his eyes sought Sonya out once again. “I’ll be done down at the institute at the latest in November.”

The man gave a thoughtful sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. “Can I persuade you to make it any sooner?”

He shook his head without taking his eyes off the dance floor. “I don’t leave until I’m happy the program is running to my satisfaction and under the care of trained professionals.”

Finally, the man looked at the dance floor and saw the beautiful brunette waltzing amongst the dancers. “Am I keeping you from something, Daniel?”

Startled he drew his eyes away and shook his head. Then on second thought, said, “Yes, as a matter-of-fact. If you’ll excuse me.”

He wove his way between dancers until he reached Sonya and the professor. He tapped on the older man’s shoulder, but couldn’t take his eyes off the emeralds glittering in her eyes.

The professor turned around in surprise, then drooped his shoulders at seeing Daniel. “I was wondering how long I was granted before you came and claimed her. Well, go off you two youngsters and enjoy yourself but be warned Daniel, I may make another claim before the night is through.”

“I would be honored.” Sonya said, smiling with sincerity at the gentleman.

He planted the broadest grin on his face then gave a short nod and slammed his hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “She’s a keeper young man. Don’t let her get away.”

His words rang so close to home that Daniel felt a jolt in the vicinity of his heart. The professor was right. He didn’t want to let her go. Ever. He had been a coward to sit back all these months and hope she did not rid of him when she tired. What was he afraid of? He knew the answer even as she slipped her hand into his and they began swaying across the floor to the orchestra. That he wouldn’t be able to stop her.

“You’re a good dancer,” he said into her ear.