Something lashed across the inside of her chest and Sonya literally lifted her hand as if to calm it. She was seeing another part of Daniel she hadn’t seen before. At least not in this extreme. He was angry. Irate, to be exact and he was far from happy with her. He probably wanted the night to end as quickly as possible so that he never had to deal with her again.

Her jaw quivered as she slid into the passenger seat and waited for him to fill the driver’s side. Considering his anger, he drove with care and deliberation not exceeding the speed limit once. At the banquet hall, butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach. They reminded her of the jitters she received before going on stage for the first time. This was just another performance.

For Daniel’s sake, she needed to pull it off. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass him in front of his peers. As they walked up the flight of stairs toward the entrance, she tugged on the hem of her dress and wished she owned one that hung a little lower than her thighs. For the first time, she felt like a tart and had a sudden fear that the high society in the hall they were about to enter, would her with Daniel and think the only date he could get was a whore.

She halted in her steps causing Daniel to stop a few steps ahead. Frowning, he looked aback at her. “Come on.”

Sonya shook her head with a sincere trace of fear in her voice. He paused, then looked at her with surprise and slight confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“Daniel, I can’t do this.” She pleaded with him to understand. “I don’t belong in a place like this.”

He frowned and looked back at the building not seeing what she saw. “I don’t understand.”

Exasperated, she gestured toward her dress. “Look at me.”

His eyes were forced to travel down the length of her body, then back up. They remained blank. “You look fine.”

She wanted to cry in despair. Fine. Pretty. Those were the kind of words he used to describe her. With a start, she realized she wanted him to tell her she looked beautiful and that he was very proud to have her with him at his side tonight, but instead she watched as he turned his back and started toward the hall once again.

Dispirited, she followed with reluctance. When they reached the top he stopped and waited for her to catch up then held the door for her to proceed. Her footsteps faltered, trying to prolong her entrance. Once inside, she froze as the lobby was cluttered with a few distinguished gentlemen in tuxedos deep in conversation. Men like Daniel, Sonya thought.

He took her elbow in his hand and propelled her in the direction of the doors where the majority of noise was coming from. As she neared closer and closer she felt an overwhelming urge to run. She could hear their voices. They would be full of scorn and ridicule. Like Mrs. Sterling. The old woman was right. Sonya wasn’t the decent type of woman one took to an important event like this.

They had just entered the room when a huge man with a flushed balding head approached them with a hand outstretched to greet Daniel. In the other hand, he held a tumbler precariously. “Daniel, old boy, glad you made it.”

“Frank.” He smiled and took the man’s hand.

“Thought you might make a show.” He pivoted his large head around as if looking for someone. “I brought my daughter, Aimee. You remember her, she graduated from her program and landed a job down at the Institute you work at. Was hoping you could help her settle in and provide a friendly face?”

“I would be happy to assist her in any way I can.” He sounded professional before he turned around and slipped an arm around Sonya’s waist and propelled her forward. “I would like to introduce my fiancée.”

She froze. Fiancée? They never said anything about that. Oh Lord, she suddenly felt very queasy.

The big man turned around in surprise and eyed Sonya standing beside Daniel. “Fiancée? I didn’t realize you were getting married.”

“We haven’t set a date yet.” Daniel lied so easily she was surprised at how sincere he sounded.

Then as if remembering his manners, the big man broke out into a smile and extended his hand to her. “Nice to meet you. What did you say the name was?”

“Sonya Elliott.” Daniel provided, for which she was relieved since her throat had a huge frog stuck in it.

Again the man examined her. This time from head to toe in an open and brass manner. “Well, she certainly is a looker.” Then giving the younger man a playful punch in the arm, added, “Where’d you go and find someone like that?”

Sonya’s insides coiled and she thought the nausea she felt earlier would come hurling from her stomach. Her worst fears were realized. The man knew her for the fraud she was and knew she didn’t belong.

“We’re also neighbors,” Daniel supplied.

“I see.” The man continued to study her with scrutiny and she was only too happy when Daniel turned her aside.

“If you’ll excuse us, Frank, I think we’ll mingle a little more since we’ve just arrived.”

“Of course.” The big man bowed his head in farewell and watched as they walked away.

Daniel kept his arm about her waist, which Sonya was grateful. Her thin dress provided little coverage in the cool room and the warmth of his body was heaven sent. Now if only she had something cool to place across her forehead.

“Daniel.” Another man greeted them with zest and looked on Sonya with open admiration. “And who is this lovely creature you have brought tonight?”

“Sonya Elliott.” Daniel made the introduction, however, this time omitting the fiancée part.