She shook her head. “I can’t go tomorrow.”

His face grew irate as he exploded, “Oh yes you are. We had a deal. I stuck to my end of the bargain and you’ll stick to yours."

“Daniel, I don’t think that’s a good—”

“I don’t give a damn what you think,” he bellowed. “Be ready at seven o’clock. If you’re not, I’ll come and dress you myself.”

She flinched at his anger and blinked in astonishment at his threat, but before she was given a chance to respond he stormed out of her apartment and slammed the door behind him.

Sonya gave a huge and weary sigh then collapsed back against the sofa. That did not go as planned. She knew it would be bad, but she didn’t realize just how bad. To top matters, she didn’t get herself out of tomorrow night’s banquet. Before even having done the bad deed, Sonya already felt she had betrayed him.

After work the following evening she went home and prepared for her evening with Daniel. She refused to refer to it as a date. She and Daniel did not date. That was impossible. They could be neighbors, yes, possibly friends, but never anything more.

Selecting her outfit with care, she didn’t want to upset Daniel over her choice of attire and follow through with his threat to drag her back to the bedroom and redress her. A shiver of delight sneaked its way into her conscious, which Sonya quickly stomped out. Thoughts like that were dangerous and belonged nowhere tonight.

She donned the little blue dress then set about styling her hair and applying her makeup. Tchaikovsky played from the portable from the other room hoping to relax her nerves and sooth her disposition. The last thing she wanted was another fight with Daniel, yet it was the precise thing she needed. It would be best if she was in control of her emotions and the situation she’d fear wouldn’t get out of hand.

At precisely seven Daniel banged on her door. Simply from his knock, she knew his mood had not improved. She opened the door and stilled. On the opposite side of her threshold he looked spectacular in a black tux and crisp shirt and Sonya was surprised at the sudden lack of oxygen in her lungs. He smelled wonderfully of musk and after-shave and she felt herself swaying unconsciously toward him.

His face, however, was unsmiling as he looked down at her. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, then turned and slipped her feet into the sandals on the shoe rack before snatching up her purse and following him out of the apartment. He didn’t even look her way, and she had the disturbing thought that he wasn’t pleased with her. But she already saw that coming. Tried to prevent it, but he demanded she keep her end of their deal.

They didn’t say a word as they loaded the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor. In the lobby they would have sailed through it but were stopped by Mrs. Sterling who was also passing through in the opposite direction.

“Good evening, Daniel.” She glanced behind him and sneered openly at Sonya without acknowledging her.

Feeling spiteful and wanting to vent, Sonya sneered back. At the least, it lifted her spirits some.

“Good evening, Mrs. Sterling.” Daniel continued to say something and caught Sonya’s attention. “I’m sorry to hear about Fufu.”

“Thank you Daniel, I appreciate that.” The older woman’s face looked downcast as she raised a hand to her face as if to prevent a burst of tears.

“What happened?” Sonya couldn’t resist asking.

Mrs. Sterling glared

at her. “He passed away the other night.”

Sonya was struck by an unexpected sense of sorrow. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

But the woman didn’t give her an inch. “I know what kind of girl you are Sonya Elliott and you don’t give a rat’s ass about my Fufu.”

Taken aback, she looked at the older woman and realized she was right. She didn’t. For a split second, she felt compassion but in one sentence Mrs. Sterling had snatched it away. “As a matter-of-fact I do feel sorry at the loss of your dog, but not at his loss. Anything would be better than living with an old cranky pent up coot—”

“How dare you?” The old woman cried, clutching a hand to her chest as if on the verge of a heart attack. Then turning to Daniel for his reaction, she demanded, “How can you associate with such riffraff, Daniel, you are better than that. This girl is rude and insensitive and—”

“Yes, yes, I know. However, she was trying to offer her condolences, which you snubbed without hesitation.” He nodded in understanding and took the older woman’s arm and led her to the elevator. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re on a date.”

“Daniel!” Mrs. Sterling cried with disgust then threw them an indignant shrug before boarding the elevator and disappearing.

He released a weary breath and ran his hand through his neatly combed hair. The movement caused some strands to stand up where they didn’t belong. Sonya had an overwhelming urge to reach up and fix it. She clenched her fists and kept them firmly at her side.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and propelled her towards the exit.

She wrenched her arm free, not appreciating being manhandled. “I can manage, thank you.”

“Just don’t think you can try and lose me.” His grey eyes were dark as he looked down at her. “After tonight, you may have your wish and never see me again.”