She offered a grin in return. “No, that wasn’t what I wanted. I’ll find another job in another dump and another resource to outlet my singing. I’ll never let a man dictate that.”

A smile began to form on Daniel’s lips, until she added, “Hell, no, I just want to have sex with Tristan because I’m horny and he’s willing. A man like that is always willing. He may be acting devoted, but his natural instincts will come around and I’ll be able to reveal him for the louse that he is.”

His features grew taunt as if he was fighting an inner battle. Then glancing into the washroom, he said through a clenched jaw. “That jacuzzi is awfully big.”

Sonya froze. Oh God, she had imagined that very thought earlier. It actually amazed her that so did he. And since they had cleared the air regarding any sexual expectations, a smile began to form on her lips.

Then Daniel continued speaking and wiped that smile from her face so sudden she thought she got whiplash. “Since you find yourself in such a carnal state, I suggest you make use of it for sleeping conditions.”

Her eyes bulged. “You think I would—after I just—” Her eyes narrowed swiftly. “I wouldn’t jump you if you were the last man left on earth, Daniel Keller. I would find more comfort in—”

The door to the bathroom slammed shut before she had a chance to finish her sentence. Snarling, she clenched her fists and spun around toward the bed. Not caring if he came in or not, she whipped off her clothes and dragged her nightgown over her head. She grabbed her discarded clothing and tossed them without order into the suitcase. The back of her mind squawked at the carless act, but she was far too angry to care.

How dare Daniel speak to her that way? Who was he to judge her? What she did with her life wasn’t any of his business. Nor was her sex life. If she cared to be promiscuous, that was for her to decide. Just because he was some stuck up, goody-goody who probably hadn’t had sex in months, was no reason to take out his frustration on her.

She threw back the comforter and soft cotton sheets, then dropped onto the mattress face up. Crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest, she refused to acknowledge the damn question pestering her suddenly.

What did she care how long it had been since Daniel last had sex? Months? Probably years.

The bathroom door opened and without a word he crossed over to the bed and pulled the blankets down on his side, then dropped onto the mattress with a heavy thud. Sonya’s side of the bed swayed with his weight, but she refused to look over at him. However, her peripheral view saw him stare unblinking up at the ceiling before turning with an angry thrust onto his side, throwing his back to her. Then reaching over he flicked off the bedside lamp and threw them into darkness.

He muttered an irate, “Goodnight.” Then fell into silence once more.

She turned her head in the direction of his shadow and thought about apologizing. They seemed to be fighting an awful lot lately. She didn’t know why, but she wanted it to stop. She hated when they fought.

“Good night, Daniel.”

Chapter 9

The following morning, Sonya woke up from one of the best sleeps she had in a long while. Feeling thoroughly content, she burrowed down into the comfort of the warm blankets and purred like a blissful kitten. In no rush to get up, she grunted in annoyance when her pillow began to move.

With reluctance, her eyes fluttered open and took in a groggy image of a face only inches from her own. As conscious began to creep in and her vision to clear, she recognized the face of that belonging to a man. And with that realization she remembered where she was and with whom the identity of the face belonged.

Not wanting to confront reality just yet, she squeezed her lids back shut and coiled her muscles, rolling over to her side of the bed. It was only then that she discovered her legs and arms were slung aimlessly across his solid form as she had apparently slept snuggled up across Daniel.

She was able to unfurl herself from him without his detection and almost thought she got away without being caught.

“Good.” His gruff voice startled her. “I thought you would never move.”

Her head snapped up and found him looking at her beneath half drowsy eyelids. She narrowed her gaze at him and said, “You could have shoved me aside.”

“I see your mood hasn’t improved this morning,” he mumbled, then swung his legs over the bed and paused before getting to his feet.

“Are you going to use the bathroom first?” she asked, ignoring his insult and leaping off the bed. “Because I really need to pee.”

“Such class,” he flippantly muttered, but couldn’t prevent the tiny grin tilting his mouth.

“Yeah, well, sue me,” she said back and didn’t even bother to look his way as she dashed for the bathroom.

It didn’t take Sonya long to shower and wash up, but it did little to help improve her lack of humor. After brushing her teeth vigorously, she returned to the bedroom with nothing on but a towel tied under her armpits having forgot to bring a robe.

Downhearted, she cared less what he thought of her lack of decorum. This weekend meant a lot to her and he wasn’t doing anything in the least to help. She would swear that he was there purely for the vacation. Or worse, trying to sabotage her scheme.

Daniel turned around at the sound of the bathroom door opening and froze. Transfixed, he stared at her near nakedness and swallowed a suddenly dry lump in his throat. What was she trying to do? Kill him with internal pain? She looked so damn arousing in the small bathroom towel that hung just below her cheek bottoms and exposed still glistening wet legs. Her long dark hair hung damp and combed down her back.

If he weren’t the decent sort of guy she claimed he was, he would take her right then and there. Toss her on the bed and rip that pathetic little towel aside. Her gloriously moist body would shimmer up at him while he devoured it with greed.

“You can use the bathroom now, I’m finished.” Her curt tone of voice drew him out of his reverie and had him jerking his head away from the magnificent view she presented. With a little more force than he intended, he marched toward the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Angry, he hated to admit it, but Sonya was right. He was too decent. Even for his own good.