She shot him a piercing glare. “Don’t play innocent on me, Daniel Keller. There are a few things we need to sort out here—”

“I agree.” He pushed himself away from the door and went over to pick up his own luggage.

“You do, do you? Well, that’s just fine, because it is very obvious that you haven’t the slightest clue on how to snare a man.”

“Must have missed that course in college.” He went about the task of opening his suitcase and rummaging through the contents.

“Oh, you’re just a comedian tonight aren’t you?” Upon uncovering her nightgown, she whipped it out of the pile of clothes, not caring that the remaining garments were left in a state of disorder. She slammed the lid of the suitcase down, then turned on him again. “How am I supposed to capture Tristan’s attention if you keep pulling me out of the same room as him?”

He gave a weary sigh. “Has it occurred to you that Tristan already has a girlfriend?”

“Has it occurred to you that I’m doing this for her as well?” She declared, crossing her arms over her chest, nightgown in one hand. “The sooner she discovers what a louse of a boyfriend he is, the better.”

“And again, you admit he’s a louse but you want him for yourself?” He looked plainly perplexed.

“Not forever.” She sneered with disgust. “Just for a couple of nights—weeks at most. Then I’ll drop the little low-life and stomp all over him for hurting me and my friend.”

“That sounds ethical.” He shot her a frown. “So you’re doing this out of charity? No personal gain?”

Irritated, Sonya sighed at his annoyingly innocent perception. What he needed was a reminder of what type of woman she was. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she angled her chin and shot him a wink. “Only good hot sex.”

A black look darkened Daniel’s eyes before he turned away and headed toward the bathroom. “Good to see your scruples haven’t lowered.”

Groaning, she slumped down on the bed. “For pity’s sakes, Daniel, it’s only sex. Men and women have it every day, all over the world. Why should I be any different?”

He stopped and looked back at her. “Because I thought you had better sense than that. Or at the least, more selective.”

“Then you thought wrong.” She met his eyes briefly before looking away.

“I don’t think so.”

“Have you not been paying any attention? I’m an unabashed hussy. At least according to Mrs. Stirling. Sex holds no meaning to me except the pure pleasure I receive from it.”

“And you’d sleep with anyone to achieve it?”


“I don’t believe you.”

She groaned, whirling on him. “Stop it, Daniel. I’m not who you wish I were.”

“I know exactly who you are.”

He sounded so self-assured, he caused her to pause, almost believing him. Shaking her head, she turned back to her luggage. “No you don’t.”

“Then prove I’m wrong.”

“Believe me, I’m trying.” A brief chuckle preceded her words. “But if you haven’t noticed, Tristan’s attention has wandered elsewhere.”

“Then have sex with me.”

She nearly fell over her own tongue, her jaw had become slacken. “Excuse me?”

“If you’re as promiscuous as you claim, having sex with me would be no biggie.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re insane. I’m not having sex with you.”

“Why not?”