They returned to the main living quarters where the females along with Patrick had made themselves comfortable on the plush furniture in Tristan’s sitting room. Tristan carried a small round tray of drinks where he first offered two glasses to Maura and Patrick who sat sharing the love seat. With only two glasses left he turned around and started toward Audrey who sat solo in the only lounge chair in the room. There was a vacant spot next to Sonya on the sofa and it was in that direction that Daniel headed with their wineglasses.

However, before he could reach his destination, Sonya arched her back and gave Tristan a bright smile, patting the seat next to her. “Your cottage is wonderful, Tristan. I love the view of the lake, its spectacular.” Without asking, she reached up and took one of his remaining glasses from the tray.

Daniel hesitated, his eyes shooting in Audrey’s direction. Sure enough, a tiny frown dipped the corners of her mouth. He moved quickly and handed her one of the glasses he carried, then took the only vacant seat left in the room.

“I bought it over two years ago.” Tristan informed Sonya but addressed the group. “I was able to obtain it at a decent cost since the previous owners were going through a messy divorce.”

“Isn’t that typical.” Sonya rolled her eyes.

He arched a brow. “That I obtained it a good price?”

She giggled and gave her wrist a flick. “No, silly. Yet another marriage certificate ends up on the cutting room floor of some lawyer’s office.”

The room went silent. Daniel’s glass froze midway to his mouth. Without moving his head he surveyed the room. Everyone’s expressions had grown either puzzled or peeved, depending on who was doing the looking.

Audrey spoke first. “Aren’t you and Daniel planning on getting married?”

“Christ, no!” It was out before Sonya could bite it back. She glanced around the room and saw four pairs of eyebrows drawn together. She shot a quick glance at Daniel and discovered his eyes downcast as if he suddenly found the contents of his glass fascinating. Some help he was. Scrambling, she blurted, “I mean, he hasn’t asked yet.”

Foreheads began to unfold and she was given understanding smiles and sympathetic nods instead.

“How could one blame me?” Daniel’s quiet but unexpected voice interrupted the silent musings of the room. “When it is obvious Sonya has a belief that all marriages end in divorce. I would like mine to last forever.”

She sat staring at him. What was he doing? Trying to make her look like the bad guy? He was supposed to be on her side, not help flush her down the gutter. Grimacing, she would have a word with him about that later tonight in bed. An unexpected shiver of delight crept down her spine at this last thought. With an angry thrust she closed her eyes and gave it a mental push.

Far too much as of late she had been stimulated at the mere thought of Daniel. Far unusual than normal. He was anything but her type. Tristan, now there was a man meant for her. It must be her lack of sexual activity that she was finding him suddenly attractive. Not to mention a glorious set of grayish silver eyes that had a hint of glimmer reminding her of tiny broken pieces of diamonds glistening in his eyes.

Her gut all at once didn’t feel so well. Turning an indifferent shoulder to him, she pivoted in her seat and gave Tristan all of her attention. “But they are so much fun while they last.”

He gave her a curious grin then got to his feet. “Can I refill your glass, Audrey?”

“I’ll come and help.” The blonde bestowed him with one of her lovely smiles, then got to her feet and followed him out to the kitchen.

Beside Maura, Patrick stretched and yawned. “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve had one heck of a work day and a long drive down here. I think I may call it a night.”

Sonya couldn’t stop from rolling her eyes. Such a stick in the mud.

“Of course, darling, you must be exhausted.” Maura gave his shoulder a soothing rub. “Go on ahead. I’ll be right there.”

He nodded, bid everyone in the room goodnight then disappeared down the hall. The trio sat silently in the room, until the stillness was unbearable. Daniel leaped to his feet. “I think I’ll go check out this wonderful view you were mentioning Sonya.”

She gave a detached nod, not bothering to glance his way.

“Would you like to join me?” Daniel asked by the exit.

She shot him an irritated glare. How was she supposed to get Tristan’s attention outside? “Not right now.”

Maura glanced from one to the other, then said to Daniel, “Would you mind, Daniel? I haven’t had a chance to chat with Sonya all night.”

He shook his head politely, then sauntered out of the room, running his hand along the back of his neck as he did.

When he was safely out of earshot, Maura scooted over to the spot vacated by Tristan and gave her friend a serious look. “Okay, what is going on?”

“Nothing.” She frowned at the raven-haired girl then took a long gulp of her wine.

“Come on, Sonya, don’t play games with me.” She looked stern as her eyes bore into her. “What are you and Daniel up to? I know you’re not an item.”

“Who told you that? Daniel?” She would kill him. They hadn’t even been there one night and he was already letting the secret out of the bag.