Sonya frowned at him. “Does that mean you’re okay with sharing a bed or not?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

She rolled her eyes and got to her feet, pushing past him to explore the ensuite. “For pity’s sake, Daniel, I’m not going to ravish you in the middle of the night. You are such a prude.”

“Right.” He clenched his jaw and moved toward the bed. “You only have designs for Tristan.”

“Exactly.” She hollered out to him from the exquisite bathroom with its marble tiles and corner jacuzzi. A tickle of delight danced along her pulse as she imagined sharing the big bath with Daniel—Tristan. She meant Tristan. Frowning, she pivoted on her heel and rejoined him in the bedroom.

Seeing him perched on the large bed looking adorably sweet and innocent and oh so nervous, she found her frown disappearing and her smile returning. “There’s a huge jacuzzi in there which I can’t wait for us to use.”

His expression eased slightly as he returned her smile. “Sounds nice.” Then, as if hearing his own words, was quick to add, “For you. And me. I mean, just you and just me, not you and me.”

She giggled. She couldn’t help herself. “Gosh, Daniel, so intellectually stated. Relax, would you. Don’t be so uptight. Try and enjoy yourself this weekend. Lord knows you deserve it with all that extra time you’ve been putting in down at the Institute.”

He nodded, raising a hand to run along the back of his neck. “You’re right.” Then smiling over at her and looking like the old him again, said, “I think this weekend will be nice.”

She smiled in return and wondered why she had never noticed before how nice Daniel’s smiles were. Turning away quickly, she shook the thought aside. The poor man was already uncomfortable with the situation she had put him in; there was no reason to further his unease. She was surprised at the flicker of irritation at the realization it was she that caused his distress.

“I think we should go and join the others,” he said, getting to his feet.

Nodding absently, her mind still troubled with her last thought, she followed him out of the room. The cottage was a decent size bungalow situated on the main beach but further down the inlet where it sat basically in solitaire. The building itself wasn’t anything spectacular as Sonya had imagined, but the interior was a heaven of comfort and design.

They heard voices coming from the main quarters of the house whereupon they found Maura and Patrick had just arrived and were being greeted by Tristan and Audrey. She gritted her teeth upon

seeing the blonde playing hostess to their boss. A small resentful voice bemoaned that it should have been her entertaining his guests this weekend.

However, Sonya couldn’t deny the happiness etched across her friend’s face and for that matter Tristan’s. She couldn’t recall in all the time she knew him, he had ever looked so relaxed. They stood together, their perfectly matched blonde heads only inches apart and Tristan’s arm wrapped around the petite woman’s waist. Sonya couldn’t deny the natural and cozy picture they created.

Piqued, she turned toward Daniel who was standing behind her and grabbed his arm. His hands were shoved deep in his khaki shorts but fell out in surprise at her sudden grasp.

“Come on,” she grumbled.

When everyone’s heads turned in their direction upon their entrance, she plastered the biggest and phoniest smile she could muster across her face. Her old friend greeted Daniel as if old chums and introduced Patrick with whom he had never met before. Sonya watched them and groaned inwardly, knowing for certain that the pair of mathematicians would get along splendidly.

“Why doesn’t everyone make themselves at home and I’ll fetch the drinks.” Tristan sounded very polite before turning to Audrey. “Would you mind giving me a hand?”

Sonya acted fast. She dropped Daniel’s arm and shoved him toward her boss. “Daniel’s free. He can help you. We waitresses are on holiday, after all.”

Daniel shot her an irritated glance before straightening and turning a polite smile to his host. “As a matter-of-fact, I am. I’ll be glad to help.”

Tristan gave a short nod, then headed for the kitchen followed by a dutiful Daniel. Sonya watched them go. Two completely different men. One blonde and handsome, the other dark and brilliant. With a sweet disposition that reminded her of a young adolescent just discovering girls. Her eyes continued to follow them, surprised at her own preference, not even noticing the dreamy sigh that escaped her lips.

* * *

Daniel watched the man in front of him warily. He didn’t trust the guy. The last time he came face to face with him, it was on the receiving end of his fist. Not that Daniel had a problem with that, he just didn’t want to be taken off guard again if the guy decided to swing another unsuspecting right hook at him. For all he knew Tristan still had harbored feelings for Sonya and use the opportunity to vent his jealousy.

“Daniel, right?” His host asked as he opened a cupboard and began removing wineglasses. “Sorry, I’ve never been too good with names.”

“Yeah, it’s Daniel.” He confirmed, watching the man with caution.

Tristan glanced over at him and noticed the look of watchfulness on his guest’s face. He produced a grin. “I owe you an apology. Our last encounter wasn’t under the friendliest conditions.” He shot a cautious glance toward the kitchen entrance, then back at Daniel. “A bit of a misunderstanding. I hope you forgive me. It’s amazing what happens when a man feels he needs to protect the woman he loves.”

Daniel sat staring at him. His insides lurched in anger. With as much control in his voice as he could manage, he asked, “You’re in love with Sonya?”

Tristan looked flabbergasted, then quickly said, “No. Audrey. I thought you were some guy making indecent propositions on Audrey.” His face turned dark. “I could have easily killed you—him.”

Daniel recalled Audrey tripping into his lap right before Tristan decided to use him as a punching bag. The story rang of truth and Daniel couldn’t find a reason to believe he may be lying. Other than the fact that Sonya had misunderstood that little scene herself. She had felt that Tristan’s anger was out of jealousy for her benefit.