How would she react in a hall full of people she believed were in a higher caliber than her? She would never admit it, but he read between her lines tonight. It was Sonya who felt she was unworthy of people whose lives encompassed success and power. Daniel, on the other hand, saw something entirely different.

He saw a woman of strength and conviction and a belief in herself that anything was possible. She was a woman of gentle kindness and compassion and would risk her own happiness to ensure those around her were content. But a woman who shunned relationships in fear of being hurt and used anger to hide her pain. He had no idea the origin of that fear but would have done anything to amend it.

This was the woman Daniel had come to love. Almost from the start his heart would do a ridiculous flip whenever he saw her. Then it grew stronger and tireless, never relinquishing its hold. Hoping and praying that one day . . .

One day he could call her his own.

* * *

The following day was the most difficult Sonya ever had to perform, and it had nothing to do with her singing.

She sailed into Tristan’s office with her chin held high and waited for him to look up from some work. When he did, his expression closed immediately.

You may be able to hide Tristan Manning, but you can never conceal the truth from me, she told herself as she felt the force of her animosity toward him. The biggest excuse for a smile spread across her lips as she advanced on him. “My, Tristan, aren’t we all a lot of mistaken lovers.”

He slowly got to his feet. “Sonya—”

Her eyes bulged impressively and glared of pretense. “Ah, you finally got it right this time. Why, Mr. Manning, you’ve been practicing.”

He sighed wearily, which only irked Sonya more. “I’m sorry if I mislead you.”

“You didn’t mislead me, Tristan.” She gave a cynical smirk. “To be truthful I wasn’t paying much attention.”

He frowned.

“You see I was using you as a cover up.” Straightening her spine, she pushed out her chest. Mustn’t let him forget what he was missing. “Daniel and I have been hiding a sordid love affair for the past month.”

His frown deepened, but still he said nothing.

“The night you punched him in the bar, I thought you found us out.” She gave a seductive chuckle. “So you see it is I who came to apologize to you. I should have been up front from the start. There could never be anything between us. My heart belongs to Daniel.”

She was taken off guard by the sudden lurch in her chest. Her hand automatically flew to the vicinity of her heart and nearly missed Tristan’s words.

“I’m glad to hear that. You had me believing that you felt Daniel wasn’t worthy of you.”

Two thin brows punched together. “Daniel not worthy of me?”

He sighed and strolled leisurely toward her. “I know what it’s like to lose your heart to a person who feels you’re not deserving.”

She swallowed and stared into his face.

“Be easy on him,” he quietly demanded.

As he turned back to his desk she simply stood there staring at his back. A horrible sensation rippled across her midriff. She wasn’t terribly sure of its origin, but she had a sinking feeling that she had completely misunderstood Tristan.

Chapter 8

She approached Audrey as she was wiping down a table. The blonde straightened im

mediately, her lovely blue eyes marred in concern.

“Audrey, we need to talk. Can you spare a break?”

Her friend shot her a puzzled look but nodded while she grabbed her tray and tossed the dishcloth on top of it. Taking it into the backroom, she followed Sonya until they were in the privacy of the kitchen. “Sonya, I wanted to talk with you as well.”

“Let me go first.” She held up her hand. “Audrey, I have no idea what is going on with you and Tristan or how this even came about, but as your friend I strongly urge you to be careful.”

The blonde looked down at her hands as she rung them together in a nervous manner. “Do you love him?”