Her eyes grew in disbelief. “For what? Losing my boyfriend to my best friend?”

His eyes continued to hold her stare. “I was thinking to us.”

Her face dropped. “Us?”

Unsmiling, Daniel nodded, and waited long enough to see the panic creep into her eyes. “For trusting that life is too short not to believe in our dreams.”

A look of confusion encompassed her lovely features.

“To your singing and my designs.” He held up his glass.

She held his solemn gaze for a moment then finally released a small sigh and reached for her tumbler. “To dreams.”

They ate in silence for a little bit longer. Neither said a word. Quietly and without fanfare, a sense of ease came over the dinner table. Sonya consumed her meal and second glass of wine with a flourish. It wasn’t until she refilled her plate with a second helping, that the wine began to loosen her tongue. “Audrey is far too gullible. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into.”

He paused, his fork midway to his mouth. “You don’t think she knows her own heart?”

She made a face. “Heart, bah, it has nothing to do with love. Tristan Manning’s intentions, believe me, are in a vicinity far south of Audrey’s heart.”

Daniel watched the anger dance across her face. He wanted to tell her that he agreed Tristan Manning was the scum of mankind. That the man didn’t deserve Sonya’s respect. But he knew her words were formed in jealousy. If anything, any assent he may hold would only cause her to become defensive. Instead, he held his tongue and listened as she vented out her anger and resentment.

“He’s going to hurt her, you know.” She told him between gulps of her wine. “Audrey doesn’t know how to handle a man like Tristan.”

“But you do?” His question was quietly asked.

“Of course I do.” She declared as if insulted. “I’ve been dealing with men like Tristan Manning all my life.”

He frowned. “This is the same man that you declared you were going to make your own?”

“And I still intend to.” Nodding her head in determination.

This stirred some anger in the center of his midriff. “He’s not good enough for Audrey, but good enough for you?”

“Men like Tristan Manning and me belong together.” She told him and pushed her now empty plate aside. “We have no scruples when it comes to the members of the opposite sex. They have no use in our lives other than the purpose the Almighty intended for us.”

A muscle flexed along his jaw. “Love?” But he was being terribly sarcastic.

Sonya did not notice. “No. Sex, Daniel. Like every other living creature on this earth. Our purpose in life is to eat, breathe and consummate. No other animal in God’s kingdom demands to love, honor, and obey. Why, as humans, should we be any different?”

“Because we possess a conscience.” He told her flatly.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re just like her. You have these dreamy perceptions of the world around you.”

“The world isn’t full of people like Tristan Manning. But you’ll never discover that if you continue to search out his kind only.” His eyes bore into hers. “That’s not how to find true happiness.”

“No, Daniel, that’s how you will get hurt.” She got to her feet and grabbed the bottle of wine. “Audrey doesn’t deserve to get hurt. Tristan doesn’t have the right to prey on her.”

He got up and followed her. “If we’re all supposed to be callous and uncaring as you make us out to be, then why does Audrey deserve better than you?”

She gave a cynical laugh. “For pity’s sake, look at me. I’m nearly thirty years old and have spent the majority of my life living an immoral lifestyle. Christ, the only pure thing in my life is you.”

He frowned and thought that maybe he ought to take the bottle of wine out of her hand. However, this was the first time he had a glimpse inside her mind and, selfish as it was, he wasn’t quite ready to leave.

“Pure? Me?” He gave her a teasing grin. “What makes you so certain?”

Flopping down into the soft cushions of her sofa, Sonya threw back her head and gulped back a mouthful of wine. “Where to begin.”

He raised a brow. This was an interesting tidbit. He had no idea she found him so moral. After joining her on the sofa he took the bottle out of her hand and refilled his glass. Handing it over, he then raised his arm and laid it across the back of the sofa. “What makes me such a saint in your eyes?”