He pulled his eyes away from the blonde to give Sonya an exasperated look. “It’s the best I can do. You already requested the weekend off from the moment I hired you. That leaves me short a waitress on one of my busiest weekends of the year.”

She clenched her jaw and pursed her lips. He was being unreasonable. Maybe if she used a little female persuasion, she might get him to change his mind. Sliding up to him she dropped a hand on his arm and leaned in close. “Just this once?”

“Sonya, please.” Audrey silently pleaded from behind. The small hint of anger went unnoticed by Sonya.

Tristan stared down at the hand covering his arm and the provocatively closeness of her body. He took his time surveying her completely, lingering on her bosom beneath the thin material of her blouse. At last his eyes continued until they met with eyelashes thick in black mascara and fluttering in what she hoped was her best alluring manner. Sluggishly, he raised his face and looked over her shoulder at the woman standing and observing them.

“If Audrey would like to have the time off, she’ll have to come and ask me for it.” Then turning his gaze back to Sonya, gave her a wink before turning and left the women looking blankly after him.

Chapter 7

Audrey turned a set of glaring eyes on her friend. “How could you have done that?”

Sonya didn’t feel any better. It certainly wasn’t her intention to put her friend into an uncomfortable predicament. She would have to go and clear the matter with Tristan. His flirting was far too inappropriate for someone as sweet as Audrey. “I’m sorry, Audrey. I’ll go and talk to him.”

“You’ll do no such thing.” She angrily threw down her tray, thankfully minus any glasses. “You’ve got me into enough trouble as it is. I’ll clear this with Tristan.”

She watched as her friend marched angrily out of the kitchen. Sighing heavily, she wi

shed Audrey well. Though their boss was a huge flirt, he was pretty harmless. If anything, he may tint Audrey’s cheeks a shade pinker.

Feeling selfish, Sonya didn’t care how Audrey convinced Tristan to let her go. Just as long in the end she was allowed.

It wasn’t until thirty minutes later that Audrey finally resurfaced. Sonya was actually beginning to worry. It wasn’t her intention to get her friend into trouble and she knew Audrey needed the job. She couldn’t risk losing it.

When she did see Audrey emerge from the ladies room, she hurried over to her side. “Where have you been? Not with Tristan all this time?”

The girl’s eyes looked slightly glazed and as predicted a hint of pink colored her cheeks. She blinked at Sonya then cast her eyes away as if she were hiding something. Sonya felt the first pang of trepidation.

“I’ve got the weekend off.” She cleared her throat and straightened her already straightened blouse.

Sonya’s eyes grew in excitement then just as swiftly to anger. “What did he make you do?”

“Nothing!” Her friend cried in disgust, her eyes shooting to Sonya’s face then just as quickly away.

“Just like that?”

“Sort of.” Her friend looked agitated as she nervously shifted from one foot to the other.

“Audrey, what aren’t you telling me?”

“He did some rescheduling so I could get the whole weekend off.” She stopped fidgeting long enough to stare into Sonya’s face. Then she spat out quickly as if afraid she may chicken out, “And, um, he invited us to stay with him at his cottage.”

The wave of relief she felt, had her exhaling heavily. She didn’t know why but a fear had gripped her chest and wasn’t willing to let go. “That’s it? He’s asked us to be his guest for the weekend?”

She nodded.

“I thought he needed to be here, “his busiest weekend of the year?”” She repeated his words.

“Apparently, he’s leaving Tony, the night manager in charge.”

Pleased, Sonya arched a lewd brow at the possibilities and thought maybe this weekend wouldn’t be so bad after all. With Tristan there at least she wouldn’t be short a date and have to spend the entire weekend lusting after strange men. Her eyes shifted to Audrey. Talk about a fifth wheel.

“I’ll understand if you still don’t want to go.”

Audrey’s eyes grew into two saucers. “After all that, you don’t want me to go now?”

“No, I didn’t say that.” She bit her lip. “I mean, I just don’t want you to spend your weekend feeling uncomfortable.”