The girl gave a short apologetic shake of the head. “I already told you, Tristan is short staffed.”

Sonya ignored the pang of guilt. “But you’ll have so much fun and you deserve the break.”

“Truly, Sonya, it’s not because I don’t want to go.” She told her over her shoulder as she examined glasses for spots before placing them on her tray. “But my car is on the fritz again and I wouldn’t have wheels to get there.”

“You could pool with me.” The flicker of hope lit her eyes, but the petite blonde simply shook her head.

“I have to work both Friday and Saturday night. I wouldn’t be able to come until at least Sunday morning, but with my car at the shop I’m stranded.”

She frowned. “I could always come back and get you.”

Audrey threw her a grateful look. “That’s good of you but very inconvenient. I couldn’t ask that of you.”

Her shoulders slumped. The idea hadn’t really appealed to her as well considering the drive was a three-hour commute one way. However, at the prospect of spending the weekend with Maura and her love-struck boyfriend, she was becoming desperate.

“Besides, didn’t you say it was a two bedroom cottage? Where would you put me?”

“My room is big enough for the both—” She began but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind them.

They both spun around to see Tristan standing in the entrance, his arms crossed over his chest. Sonya was awed once again by his flawless male aura. Her smile appeared automatically.

“Have clientele moved into the kitchen?” He gave them a gentle smirk but with a hint of authority.

“No, of course not.” Audrey was first to react, quickly gathering her tray up to make a hasty exit.

Tristan’s teasing grin disappeared.

Sonya ignored her friend’s sudden show of anxiety and turned to their boss with a set of imploring eyes instead. “Tristan, why won’t you let Audrey have the weekend off? She works hard and rarely takes any time.”

His eyes shot to the topic of their discussion. “She never requested it.”

Her frown was instant and she tossed an accusing glare at Audrey. However, it made more sense. Audrey was far too considerate to put her own wishes first.

“It’s an annual tradition. My best friend and I book a cottage along the beach at Grand Bend. I invited Audrey to join us this year.”

“Sonya.” Audrey uttered, her voice quiet but edged with warning.

She ignored it. “Can you spare her this one weekend?”

His eyes remained strained on Audrey’s downcast face. “I believe she’s scheduled to work this weekend.”

The girl pushed past Sonya to cast apologetic eyes upon their boss. “It’s all right Mr. Mann—”

His brow arched with what looked like a reprimanding scowl, haltering her mid speech.

“—I mean Tristan. I had no plans on going.”

“You don’t work Sunday or Monday. Why don’t you join your friends then?”

For a short uncomfortable minute the duo stared into each other’s eyes, then Audrey jerked herself away. It was Sonya who cared to explain. “Her car isn’t working. If she came Friday she could hitch a ride with me.”

He studied the women for the longest time giving Sonya hope that he was considering the scenario and possibly in her favor. At last he spoke. In doing so, however, completely shocking both of them. “I have a place up there and was planning on going up Sunday as well. I can drop Audrey off.”

The tiny kitchen went completely silent. It certainly wasn’t what she had expected. The gesture was sweet and considerate but wouldn’t do her any good. That still left Friday and Saturday night alone with the lovebirds.

“That isn’t necessary—” Audrey began, but Sonya broke in.

“That won’t do!”