She reached out to take the jacket without really being aware. She could do for the warmth. It was bigger than she thought when she shrugged into it, as it fit him to a tee, however on her it hung large and loose. She grinned up at him as the sleeves slipped below her fingertips. He grinned in response. Her insides did something unusual. Maybe her lunch didn’t sit very well. Involuntarily, her hand clapped over her stomach to quell the feeling.

Daniel noticed. “Did you get something to eat?”

She gave him a lame nod.

He eyed her closer. “Are you all right?”

Again she nodded.

Satisfied she wasn’t going to say anything further, he nodded as well then glanced inside the deli where Jamie waited. “I suppose I should get going. I’ll see you around.”

“Of course.” She regained her senses, giving herself a mental slap across the face. What was wrong with her? Just because the feel of his lingering warmth in the soft material of his coat felt like an intimate touch to her overly sensitive skin, didn’t mean she couldn’t become immune to the feeling. “I’ll have to return your coat.”

“Right.” He stared down at her, then unexpectedly reached out and drew the lapels together around her neck. His eyes met hers momentarily, before explaining, “There’s a closure in the storm flap.”

She didn’t move. As he worked on the collar she could feel his fingers gently brushing the underside of her jaw. They left tiny sensations along her skin. She had an uncanny urge to turn toward his touch and place her lips against his hand. Closing her eyes, she forced the image from her mind. The other night she had thought bestowing a mere kiss on Daniel would have been harmless. However, she had discovered quickly that it wasn’t. She certainly could not allow that to happen again.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

She slowly opened her eyes, not wanting to release the image quite so soon. Then giving a shaky grin, she said, “Yeah, just don’t order the tuna salad.”

He smiled and his eyes seemed to absorb her as she stood engulfed in his large jacket. An overwhelming urge to draw him close and kiss him senseless had her taking a step back.

“I have some left over beef stew, did you want to come by and help me finish it tonight?”

Yes, that sounded safe and friendly and harmless. Exactly where her relationship with Daniel ought to be. He was not her type. He could never be her type. Women like her never got men like Daniel. He was smart, educated, and decent. She was an almost-thirty-year-old college drop-out who couldn’t get her life together if she was given a step-by-step manual.

Her life consisted of parties, drinking, men, and fun. And not necessarily in that order. She didn’t have time to coddle a sweet and gentle man who believed women deserved respect and that everyone should be treated with the morals and ethics from which he was raised.

The door to the deli opened and Maura and Audrey made an exit, smiling up at Daniel. They didn’t appear in the least bit surprised to see him. She figured they must have been watchin

g through the deli’s many glass windows.

Maura greeted him first. “Hey, Daniel.” Then shifted her attention to Sonya who was enveloped in his leather coat. “Warm?”

Sonya narrowed her eyes in warning to her friend’s taunt. “Yes, thank you.”

Daniel had only met Maura the few times. Mingling with Sonya’s crowd was not permitted, but Maura, on the other hand, was far too nice of a person to snub him deliberately. She had always made it a practice to go out of her way to be friendly.

“How come you haven’t come around the bar lately?” Audrey asked with the slightest trace of a smirk in her smile.

He chuckled. “I have the distinct feeling I’m not quite welcome.”

They exchanged smiles and Sonya stiffened. “Daniel, your friend is waiting.”

He glanced back at her and she forced a cold and determined expression on her face. She didn’t want him there. Didn’t want him getting along with her friends. She knew the instant when he had read her thoughts as an offended look briefly entered his eyes before he blinked it away and muttered, “Right.”

He offered the other two women a nod of farewell, shot an angry glance at Sonya, then went into the deli to meet Jamie.

Sonya noticed his deliberate snub and frowned at his retreating form. He was angry with her again. This time she was not certain for what. But that old feeling of hating when he was mad resurfaced. Tonight when she went over to his place for dinner, she would straighten everything and get their relationship back where it belonged.

That was if she was still invited. He didn’t mention it again before he left and it was possible that he regretted the offer in the first place. Well, that was too bad. Sonya was going whether he wanted her or not.

“I’ll call you later in the week and finalize the details for the weekend.” Maura’s voice drew her from her thoughts.

“Sounds good.” She nodded absently then bid her friend goodbye. Audrey fell into step beside her and together they returned to the bar located on the main street. After finding a safe place to store Daniel’s leather jacket, Sonya searched out her friend. She was in the kitchen filling a tray of clean dishes. Picking up a tray herself, she joined Audrey beside the steaming glasses.

“Can’t I convince you to reconsider the long weekend?”