Daniel’s arms, which had hung limp and stupefied at his side, now came up and captured her around the waist drawing her closer still. He relished the taste of her lips and the feel of her body. His fingers unfolded and expanded across her back, touching as much of her as possible.

Then, through the thick fog of desire he heard the sound of a knock. At first it didn’t register. But when it did, Sonya, who must have also heard it, began to pull away. He immediately resented whoever was on the other side of that door.

They stood there staring at each other with complete looks of bewilderment across their faces, yet lust still burned so clearly within their eyes. When the knock came again, it was Daniel that blinked first, drawn grudgingly back to reality.

“I think my preference is the third one.”

Sonya watched him walk toward his apartment door hardly believing what just happened. Was that Daniel she held in her arms and kissed so passionately? Lord, she had no idea he possessed so much ardor.

Behind her Daniel entered the room followed by another man she did not recognize. Looking slightly sheepish, he offered, “This is my neighbor, Sonya.”

The younger man stuck out a hand and gave her a wide grin. “Nice to finally meet you. Daniel talks about you all the time.” Then held out a cell phone to Daniel. “It was down in your car the whole time.”

She offered the beginnings of a smile but turned to Daniel inquisitively.

“Sonya, this is my intern.” He startled her by announcing. “Jamie.”

“Oh.” Her face dropped completely, the shock evidently revealed on her face. This was Jamie? That couldn’t be. There must be some kind of mistake. Daniel’s Jamie was a woman. Daniel had a date with a woman tonight. Possibly a redheaded woman. She stared at the man who still grinned at her from ear to ear, then her eyes grew wide all at once in understanding. “Oh.”

Daniel frowned. “What?”

She blinked at him and felt an overwhelming sense of depression wash over her. “I completely understand. There’s nothing wrong with that. Truly.”

“With what?” His face was beginning to look strained. Then his eyes grew large in comprehension. “No.”

“No, really. It’s all right.” She began to walk backwards towards the exit. “That explains a lot.”

“Wait, Sonya,” he called after her but she was already in her apartment and shutting the door behind her, a sense of gloom washed over her for no reason. Then, before she had a chance to explore this emotion, the door to her apartment swung back open. Daniel sailed into her apartment uninvited and looking rather irate.

“Daniel, you don’t need to explain. This is the twenty-first century. Anything goes. Things are different, times are changing.”

“Nothing is changing.” He bit out.

“It’s perfectly acceptable for you—for Jamie—”

He swore, which surprised Sonya since she couldn’t recall ever having heard him swear before, then was startled when he reached out and seized her by the shoulders. His mouth came crashing down on hers. This time he held nothing back. His kiss was fierce and demanding. He ground out a response from her just before he let her go. “Was that the kiss of a man interested in the same sex?”

She shuddered, taken aback by his forceful onslaught then sudden release. Touching her lips, she slowly shook her head. “No.”

He stared down at her. “Good.”

Clearing her throat, she dropped her hand and straightened her back. “Then why did you lead me to believe that you were having a relationship with Jamie?”

“I never implied any such thing.” He answered without so much as a trace of guilt.

She gasped. “Yes you did. What was all that kissing talk and practice all about?”

“I never instigated any of those kisses, except for this one, and that was because I had a point to make. You were the one who jumped to conclusions about Jamie’s identity. I had no idea you believed Jamie was a female until just now.”

She studied him not pleased in the least. Why, she wasn’t sure. Other than she felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Why she would care for his sexual preference should be of no concern to her. But it did.

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” After all, he really was a wonderful kisser. Looking back at his face, she told him, “I hope you don’t get any stupid ideas from that kiss.”

A rigid expression entered his eyes. “No concerns there.”

“Good.” An unexpected discomfort settled between them. “I was only trying to help you out. I thought you needed the practice.”

His jaw clenched. “I didn’t.”