“Well, not exactly encouraging. More like, supporting.” She grinned. Yes, it was high time she repaid the favor.

Still speaking slowly, he told her, “Tonight would technically be considered a first date. Call me old-fashion, if you like, but I don’t believe in taking advantage and manipulating my dates into submission.”

She didn’t like the small flicker of pride his words invoked. Daniel had to stop thinking so noble. The world was moving fast and if he didn’t pick up speed he would be left behind.

“Fine. But you do plan on kissing her goodnight, don’t you?”

Daniel really wanted to see where she was going with this, but he glanced at his watch in exasperation. The network reconfiguration at the Institute was on a program. He and Jamie needed to get back soon. Brushing past her, he smelled the scent of incense candles in her hair and wished his apartment wasn’t so small. He had a feeling it would take the width of a warehouse in order to leave him unaffected by her nearness.

Sonya followed him into the outer room, undaunted by his tight schedule. “What type of kiss you share makes all the difference in the world.”

“Type of kiss?” He couldn’t resist asking, lifting his brows in disbelief.

“Of course.” She looked at him as if he were from another planet. “What have you been doing all these years?”

“Apparently not kissing.” He told her as he pulled out a drawer in a table in the living room. “All right. What type of kisses are there?”

“You have the emphatic-no-kiss, which is a quick peck on the cheek out of politeness but in no uncertain terms will this go any further.”

“So why bother in the first place?”

“Out of—”

“Politeness.” Recalling her words. “Right. What else?”

“The friendly-and-sincere-kiss. Which is a gentle but an out-of-service kiss on the mouth.”

He stood up and looked across the room at her. “Out of service?”

“Not open for business. A closed mouth.” She supplied. Then, “Here, let me show you.”

Before he could fathom what she meant to do, she closed the distance between them in a few short strides, reached up and cupped his face between her hands. Her lips covered his in a warm and soft touch, but far too quickly.

As she stepped back, he blinked and had to clear his throat before asking, “And that would be to imply—?”

“I had a really nice time but we have nothing in common. We can only be friends.”

“Right.” The irony of her words gave a painful twist inside. Daniel had to strain his voice to a normal pitch. “That would be because the pheromone receptors used to act as an aphrodisiac are unavailing in their attempt to trigger a chemical response—“

”Rrrr-ight,” she interrupted him with a sudden grin. “No chemistry.”

“Is that it?”

“No, there’s the final kiss.” She licked her lips, nearly driving him insane, then continued. “The hot-on-the-burner-kiss.”

All right, this sounded a little more interesting. He raised his brow and encouraged her to continue.

“I’m very much interested in pursuing this relationship and am willing to consider exploring its advantages in your apartment.”

“And,” he began, then stumbled over the frog lodged in his throat. “Is that with a closed mouth as well?”

“No, rather with an open mouth. Like this.” Once again she advanced on him, capturing his face between her hands as she had done before. Their lips came together as naturally as the earth and the sky, but this time she delighted him even more when she used the tip of her tongue to push his lips apart and explore the interior of his mouth.

The smell of incense candles surrounded him and filled his senses, while with expertise she devoured his mouth, drawing and sucking the very air from which he

breathed. Her lips were soft and moist and explored every inch of his mouth. A cascade of warmth engulfed him yet sent a shiver of delight down his spine. His male response was swift. A burning ache shot through his veins toward the center of his being. Restrained emotions were released at last. His passion for this woman would not be held in check any longer.

Her kiss all at once changed. No longer was she bestowing him with practiced kisses but with a hungered frenzy. Her hands slid from his face to around his neck and shoulders drawing him closer until he could feel the heat of her pelvis pressed wantonly against his. Both their breathing became fierce and jagged as their lips clung desperately to each other.