Between getting ready for work and psyching herself up for tonight’s performance, Sonya loitered near her apartment window that overlooked the parking lot. She kept telling herself it was to will the time away and keep up with the happenings of her building, but it was Daniel’s vehicle that she kept a watchful eye out for.

His life was no concern of hers. She continued to tell herself that, but she worried so much for him. Daniel was so naïve in this field. Sonya, on the other hand, was practically an expert. She nearly jumped with relief when she saw his car pull in an hour before she was to leave for work. When she heard his footsteps coming down the corridor she allowed him time to enter his apartment before she scurried across the hall and rapped on his door.

He couldn’t have gotten too far because the door opened all at once. He looked startled to see her, as if expecting someone else. “Sonya.”

“I thought you had to work?”

“Lunch.” He stared down at her, then blinked and took a step back. “I forgot my phone so thought I might as well grab a bite while I’m here. Besides, I’m making beef stew tonight for Jamie and I, and it’s probably a good idea to get the slow cooker going.”

“Jamie’s coming then?”

“Yes.” He glanced behind him then gestured for Sonya to follow. “I’ve only got a short time before we need to get back.”

She followed him into his apartment. “We?”

“Jamie’s waiting down in my car.”

This caught her attention. “Really?”

He didn’t hear or bother to register what she said. His mind seemed to be focused elsewhere. Sonya could only bet. Time to do her neighborly duty. “Actually, Daniel, I wanted to talk to you about tonight.”

“Hmm?” He disappeared into his spare room and Sonya trailed behind him.

“I know you’re the most responsible guy around but sometimes things can get out of hand and the most astute minds can go to mush.”

Daniel glanced up from a desk he was rummaging through and pushed his glasses up his nose. He stared at her blankly as he if was replaying her words in his head. Finally, frowning, he shook his head and asked, “I’m not following. What are you talking about?”

“Well, I think you probably covered the basics in junior high, but I wouldn’t doubt it’s been a long time since you’ve had a refresher.”

His brows drew even closer together. “I really haven’t a clue what you’re getting at, but could you do me a favor and start looking through that cabinet.”

She glanced at the cabinet he pointed to and nodded absently. “What am I looking for?”

He sighed, and repeated, “My cell phone.”

“Right.” She nodded and got to work hunting absent-mindedly in the appointed cabinet as her focus was entirely on her own objective. “Anyway, I thought I would return the service you always provide me with before a date.” She didn’t see any phone in the bookcase so she turned back around to give him her undivided attention.

He too had stopped looking and was staring at her with an odd look in his eyes. “Date?”

“Yes, Daniel, that’s what we call it.” She smirked at his innocence. It really was too sweet. “Tonight, when you bring Jamie back here for dinner you should really have some wine ready and play some soft music on the stereo. It’ll help create a romantic static in the air. It’s rather nice, quite like magic really. It’s amazing what can transpire when you remove all that work fuss and concentrate on what’s really lurking beneath the surface.”

“Romantic?” He seemed to be losing his train of thought. Or rather hers.

Sighing, Sonya dug into the back pocket of her jeans and retrieved a small packet and held it out for Daniel. “You’re too decent of a guy to think this far, so I’m doing the honors for you. This is one field, Daniel, where your brain matter can’t help you out. But this little guy can.”

Daniel reached out in confusion and took the condom from her hand. Then looking back into her face, asked, “What am I supposed to do with this?”

Sonya couldn’t prevent the chuckle. “Use it, silly. Tonight when you’re with Jamie you may have an overwhelming urge to vent your male needs.”

His eyes popped out of their sockets and he literally took a retreating step backwards. “I don’t think so.”

Sonya found herself pleased by his sudden aversion to the idea, but then just as quickly pushed the feeling aside. “Don’t be so old-fashioned. It’s perfectly all right to feel—”

“Just wait a second!” He exploded, holding up his hands. “I am not having sex tonight. Especially with Jamie.”

“Why not? I assumed you must like her an awful lot,” she stated. “You’ve been spending so much time together.”

He stilled then and stared blankly at her for the longest time before finally saying, “Let me get this right. You’re encouraging me to have sex with Jamie?”