“Right.” Without much attention he did as commanded.

“Will you be able to sleep all right? I have some medicine in my cabinet that might help?”

His brow arched. “Drugs?”

She sincerely looked insulted. “No. Advil.”

“Sorry. Of course. But I’ll be fine.”

He shut his eyes and missed the look of pain cross her face.

Sonya studied his face and wondered what type of woman he thought she was? Did he sincerely think she took drugs, or that she would keep a stash on hand in her apartment? The offensive thought was swept away when she noticed him grimace. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just a little touchy.”

“Do you want some adhesive or ointment or something?”

He chuckled. “No, Nurse Sonya, I’ll be fine.”

She made a face. “I’m just worried. I want to make sure you’re all right.”

His eyes locked with hers. “I appreciate that, but really, I’m fine.”

Nodding, she took a deep breath. She wasn’t entirely sure why it bothered her so much to see Daniel hurt. She supposed it was because he was always such a nice guy and

didn’t deserve something like this. Though it did have its advantages. Tristan showed his jealous side. She just wished he had shown it on someone other than Daniel. Idly, she wondered what gave him the impression that there was something between the two.

“Um, you know, when Tristan made that comment about Audrey?”

He shot her a look of skepticism over the washcloth. “Yeah?”

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. A bit of misunderstanding there.”

He studied her face in silence for a few seconds before saying, “There seems to be a lot of that going around lately.”

She looked surprised but before she could ask him to explain, he got to his feet. “I’m truly beat, and I’ve got to work in the morning.”

“It’s Sunday.”

“I’m on call.” Was all he cared to clarify. “Good-night, Sonya.”

She watched him go, bothered about his working hours. The man already put in a full weeks’ worth of work, and then some, and now he was expected to work weekends as well. Daniel was a genius, he should know better than that. Everyone needed me-time. Frowning, she continued to stare at the closed door, and was startled at the sudden image of a curly redhead. She wondered what it was exactly that Daniel did do in his spare time.

* * *

It was the perfect outfit. Tonight was not exactly what she had spent years of dreaming about, but it was a start. If anything, it gave her the satisfaction of performing before a live audience. A chill of excitement crept down her spine. As well, she shook off a tiny shiver of nervousness. Nothing to worry about, all performers had stage fright. It would vanish just as soon as she stepped up on stage and began to belt out the lyrics to her song.

She had an overwhelming urge to share her excitement. After taking one more look at her appearance, she hurried across the hall and tapped on Daniel’s door. As she waited, a marvelous idea came to mind. Monday night was dreadfully quite. Clientele were the regular stool drinkers that showed up nightly. None of the typical beer-guzzling drunks would be in attendance. It would be a quiet night. She wondered if she could convince Daniel to return to the bar to watch her first performance.

After her second tap he opened the door and looked slightly disorientated. He blinked, used his finger to slide his glasses up his nose, and then shoved his hands into his back pockets. “Wow, you look nice.”

Her smile came naturally. Pivoting on her heel, she gave him a complete view. “Thank you very much. You don’t think it looks too sinful?”

Her teasing smile had him grinning in response. “You might have to offer up a few hale Mary’s.”

“Oh, Daniel.” Her countenance turned from teasing to eagerness. “I’m just so ecstatic—”

A noise from the back of his apartment arrested her excitement. “Is someone here?”