“Yes,” she readily admitted. “It’s Daniel, my neighbor.”

This fact did not appear to lessen his anger. “The one who’s interested in Audrey?”

Taken aback, she snapped her mouth shut. She didn’t have to look at her friends to see the shock on their faces. Biting her lip, she thought fast. “Well, actually—”

“Keep your personal affairs at home. While you work at my establishment, you keep fraternizing to paying customers.”

She opened her mouth to rebut when it dawned on her he was jealous. The dazed look on her face was replaced by a tiny grin. There was no sense informing him that there was nothing between her and Daniel. A bit of jealousy never did a man any harm.

Besides, at that point, Tristan was not interested in any conversation. Without another word, he stormed toward his office, his stormy eyes changing direction only once to slice an angry glare at Audrey who stood in his way. She literally flinched before he disappeared into the crowd.

Sonya spun back around to Daniel and demanded, “What did you say to him

Daniel flexed his jaw, testing to see if it was broken, before leveling his gaze on Sonya who stood towering above him. Figured she blamed this on him. “Friendly boss.”

“Daniel.” Her voice became stern. “Why the hell were you fighting my boss?”

He digested the question, then leisurely shrugged and answered in the form of a question. “He started it?”

She inhaled deeply, her breath shaking on her displeasure. “Don’t be immature.”

Lying propped up on his elbows and looking at eye level with her long exposed legs, he wondered what she would say if he told her the truth. That he hated the ground the man walked on as long as he held Sonya’s admiration. His insides were recoiling in jealousy and he wanted nothing more than to have this infatuation of hers over.

They never lasted long. Her interest in men changed as often as the shoes in her wardrobe. The man would shortly lose his appeal just like all the others. This would have given him a bit of satisfaction, except for the nagging t

hought that it was taking longer than usual.

Some passerby reached down and smacked him on the shoulder, congratulating him on a good fight. Not generally accustomed to using his male brawn, with the exception of Maura’s louse boyfriend that one time, he felt unusually proud of himself. The grin appeared on his face without warning.

Sonya had no grin in response. She opened her mouth to say something, but a big burly man came to stand beside her. “Is this guy with you, Sonya?”

She glanced at the bouncer then back down at Daniel as if she contemplated the idea of denying his acquaintance. Incredulous, Daniel caught her eye and raised a questioning brow. She wouldn’t dare. For pity’s sake, he wouldn’t even be here tonight if she hadn’t called him and woke him from a deep sleep.

“We’re just leaving, Todd. There’s no reason to throw him out.”

The big fellow nodded his head then sauntered away. Daniel shot her a quick smirk, “What, and ruin a perfectly good climax to the night?”

She grimaced and reached down to offer him a hand up. He didn’t need it but wouldn’t let the opportunity to touch her pass. Leaping to his feet, he dabbed at a dribble of blood that had escaped his lip with the back of his knuckles. Instinctively, her eyes shifted down to his mouth and an unfamiliar emotion took over their green depths.

“Hey?” He reached out and hooked a finger under her chin. “That was a joke.”

The new emotion did not clear. She stared openly into his eyes without the barrier of his thick lenses, then down at his bleeding mouth. “Daniel.”

He waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, he prompted, “Yes?”

But it was those few seconds she needed to blink and clear her head. “You’re not funny.”

She jerked her chin from his finger and slammed his glasses into the palm of his hand then spun around and headed for the exit. “Let’s get out of here before Tristan decides to take up where you guys left off.”

Daniel would have been only too pleased. He hadn’t nearly given the Casanova-wannabe what he rightly deserved. Thanks to Sonya’s interference. Sliding his glasses back on his nose, he followed her out of the bar to the car park like a loyal puppy. Because of the packed lot, he was forced to park furthest from the entrance. They did not speak as she led them to his vehicle. She waited patiently as he leaned past her and unlocked the passenger door. Then, instead of going to his own side of the car he straightened and looked her in the eye.

“Are you going to stay mad for long?”

He was relieved when she smirked. “No. Actually, I’m not mad.” Then reaching down, she opened her door. “I’m really quite pleased.”

A frown tugged his brows together but she was already in the vehicle. He scooted around to the driver side, unlocked his door, slid into his seat and then glanced over at her. “How’s that?”

“Didn’t you notice how jealous he was?”