
He halted mid-sentence when his legs hit the back of her sofa and she took a step closer. “Y-yes?”

“How do I look without curls?”

“Nice.” That cursed lump was beginning to choke him slowly.

“Nice?” She rolled her eyes. “Anyone ever tell you, Daniel Keller, you need to work on your words of flattery?”

He simply shook his head, the uncomfortable bulge in his throat was beginning to have a similar reaction in his chest and he feared would begin a downward descent.

Leaning closer, she frowned at him. “Are you all right? I mean, you don’t look so good.”

He couldn’t have stopped his hand if he wanted. As if belonging to another man, he watched as it lifted and gently ran through her long tresses. It was obvious she was taken aback, but she only turned her head slightly in the direction of his hand and gave him a curious look.

“Uh, it, um—” He swallowed the thick mucus forming in the back of his throat. Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe, dammit. “It looks better.”

She grinned all at once, yet still did not step away from his hand where it remained drowning in her hair. “You didn’t like the afro?”

“I like it straight.”

Her smile faltered. “Really?”

“It suits you. It’s more natural.”

She stared up at him speechless. Their eyes locked then all at once something foreign shot across her face before she took a swift step away from his hand. “It is.”

“Pardon?” He blinked, dropping his abandoned hand to his side.

“Naturally straight.” She pointed to her head. “My hair.”

He nodded in understanding, then sighed heavily, trying to collect himself. Hell, she always made him feel like a horny adolescent teenager. “W

as that all you wanted? Because I have, um, I’m working on something and I’ve got to go—um, I have to meet my intern down at the Institute in, uh, well—soon.”

“Yes.” She gave him the same smile she had always bestowed him over the past year. No sexual innuendo, no enticement, no temptation. Just a simple, friendly and cordial smile. “Thank you, Daniel. What would I do without you?”

“Right.” Giving a short nod, he turned and swept out of the apartment as fast as he could.

The question was, what would he do without her?

* * *

“Your place or mine?” Tristan’s arm was crossed over the back of her seat, only inches away from touching her. In actual fact, he hadn’t made one attempt to touch her all night. His question almost sounded ludicrous. She gazed into his beautiful blue eyes and remembered how long she wanted this. Ever since she first laid eyes on him, she claimed him as hers. No matter what the cost, she was going to get that man.

He was a challenge. She even went so far as getting a job in his bar to come in closer contact with him. It was four weeks now, and still he showed as little interest as he did before she was his employee. So why the question? Did he seriously think she would sleep with him simply because she was attracted to him? She made no secret of her attraction. However, she did have her pride.

“Actually, I would like to go back to the bar.”

He frowned. “Why? It’s not open, nobody will be there.”

“Exactly.” She purposely put a sparkle in her eye.

The evening had been on the enjoyable side. Apart from this last scene, he made no improper moves on her. Or proper, as she was anticipating. She would have believed she was actually falling in love with the guy if she believed in that kind of fairytale. He was acting like a true gentleman. But there was something about him that just wasn’t adding up.

They pulled up in front of the bar fifteen minutes later and Sonya stood back and waited while he unlocked the door. He entered the building before her, throwing the overhead light on, then stepped back and allowed her to proceed. The place was silent. Reminding her of her job interview when she sat at one of the tables with Tristan across from her.

He leaned back against one of the walls and watched her with lazy eyes. Lord, they were still quite sexy. She smiled and turned to look at him. He pushed himself off the wall then sauntered toward her, coming to a stop just a foot in front of her but refrained from making any physical contact. Still, he was close enough she could feel his breath.